In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

BOOKS RECEIVED Barnes & Noble, Inc.: Reason, Truth and God, by Renford Bambrough (pp. 164, $5.00); Greek Thought and the Rise of Christianity, ed. by Hugh F. Kearney (pp. 161, $~.50 paperback). Beauchesne: Les Profondeurs de la Grace, by J.-H. Nicolas, 0. P. (pp. 51~, 43,50 F.). Bruce Publishing Co.: An Interpretation of Existence, by Joseph Owens (pp. 153). Corpus Books: The Church in the Theology of Karl Barth, by Colm O'Grady (pp. 376, $10.00); I Saw a New Earth. An Introduction to the Visions of the Apocalypse, by Paul S. Minear (pp. 411, $10.00). Desclee de Brouwer: Consultation Internationale sur le Non-Etre. Dialogue philosophique, by Roger Lapointe (pp. 159, 150 FB) . Duns Scotus College, Southfield, Mich.: Scotus Speaks Today. 1~66-1966. Seventh Centenary Symposium (pp. 3~1, $4.00 paper) . Fides Publishers Inc.: The Jahwist. The Bible's First Theologian, by Peter Ellis, C. SS. R. (pp. 319, $8.95); Teaching High School Religion Through Literature. II (Teachers Manual), by Jane Syburg (pp. 61, $1.~5 paperback); Principles. An Anthology of Readings, selected by Jane Syburg (pp. ~78, $~.50 paperback). Harper & Row: Letters to Leontine Zanta, by Pierre Teilhard de Chardin (pp. 1~7, $4.00). Harvard University Press: Concepts of Space. The History of Theories of Space in Physics, by Max Jammer (pp. ~36, $5.50). B. Herder Book Co.: As I Loved You, by M. J. Andre (pp. 149, $5.50). Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc.: Jewish Philosophy in Modern Times, by Nathan Rotenstreich (pp. ~8~, $6.50); Leo Baeck: Teacher of Theresienstadt, by Albert H. Friedlander (pp. ~94, $8.95); The Bhagavad Gita, tr. with Introd. & Critical Essays by Eliot Deutsch (pp. ~05, $4.95). Lateran University: Dalla Fenomenologia Pura alla Trascendenza Assoluta, by Mario Valentino Ferrari, 0. P. (pp. 95); La Verita dell'Uomo, by Luigi Bogliolo (pp. 313); Filosofia e Cristianesimo. Discussioni Recenti, by Duilio Bonifazi (pp. 154) ; La Base del Realismo e la Critica Neokantiana, by Mons. Luigi Chiesa (pp. 163); La Dimensione Trinitaria del Carattere Sacramentale, by Crescenso Sepe (pp. 175) ; Incontro con Cristo. Credibilita della Religione Cristiana, by Vladimir Boublik (pp. 3U); La Recezione del Diritto Civile nel Diritto Canonico, by Mons. Ovidio Cassola (pp. 163); De Ieiunio et 608 BOOKS RECEIVED 6(}9 Abstinentia in Ecclesia Byzantina ab Initiis usque ad Saec. XI, by Joachim Herbut (pp. 143); Vallepietra dalle Origini alla Fine del Saecolo XIX, by Filippo Carafl'a (pp. 309); La Pontificia Universita Lateranense nel 1968 (pp. 30~). Liberia Editrice Salesiana: Per Un Nuovo Spi1-itualismo Cristiano. Saggi di Pluralismo Filosofico-Teologico Ispirato alla Dottrina Essenziale dei Padri e Dottori, by Giuseppe Muzio (pp. 80). Liviana Editrice: Del Principia di Creazione o del Significato, by Allessandro Cortese (pp. 168). McGill University Press: Standing and Understanding. A Re-appraisal of the Christian Faith, by Stanley Brice Frost (pp. 187, $4.50). McGraw-Hill: St. Thomas Aquinas Summa Theologiae. Vol. 51 (Sa ~7-30) Our Lady, by Thomas R. Heath, 0. P. (pp. 144, $7.00). Macmillan Co.: A Church Without Priests? by Jacques Duquesne (pp. 19~. $4.95) . Marquette University Press: Saint Thomas Aquinas. On the Unity of the Intellect Against the Averroists, Tr. & Intr. by Beatrice H. Zeller (pp. 96, $3.00); Beyond Trinity, by Bernard Cooke, S. J. (pp. 84, $~.50); The Apple or Aristotle's Death, Tr. & Intr. by Mary F. Rousseau (pp. 96, $3.00). Martinus Nijhofl': Studies in Analogy, by Ralph Mcinerny (pp. 147, 19.80 guilders). Northwestern University Press: The Epistemology of G. E. Moore, by E. D. Kelmke (pp. ~19, $6.75). Oxford University Press: The Christian New Morality. A Biblical Study of Situation Ethics, by 0. Sydney Barr (pp. 1~8, $4.00); New Essays on Religious Language, ed. by Dallas M. Hugh (pp. ~55, $5.00, $1.~5 paper); The Knowledge of Things Hoped For. The Sense of Theological Discourse, by Robert W. Jenson (pp. ~51, $5.75); Experiences , by Arnold Toynbee (pp. 4~9, $8.75); The First Christian Century in Judaism and Christianity. Certainties and Uncertainties, by Samuel Sandmel (pp. ~53, $6.00). Charles Scribner's Sons: In Search of the Historical Jesus, by Harvey K. McArthur (pp. ~97, $3.95 paper). Southern lllinois University...

