In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Illustrations


Figure 1. Friedrich Wolf’s Professor Mamlock {21}

Figure 2. Günther Weisenborn’s The Illegals: Resistance and Romance. Ernst Wilhelm Bochert (Walther) and Lulu Säuberlich (Lill) {26}

Figure 3. Günther Weisenborn’s The Illegals: Resistance and Romance. Ernst Wilhelm Borchert as Walther {28}


Figure 1. “For my mother” dedication with January LaVoy, Native Guard {295}

Figure 2. Thomas Neal Antwon Ghant as the character of the Native Guard, Native Guard {296}

Figure 3. January LaVoy, Native Guard {296}

Figure 4. Vocalist Nicole Banks Long in the audience, Native Guard {297}

Figure 5. January LaVoy, with set design by Anne Patterson and projection design by Adam Larsen, Native Guard {297}

Figure 6. “Southern History” moment with January LaVoy, Native Guard {298}

Figure 7. Thomas Neal Antwon Ghant, Native Guard {298} [End Page ix]


