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BOOKS RECEIVED Abbey Press: Divorce & Remarriage. Resolving a Catholic Dilemma, by Denis J. Doherty. (Pp. 194, $8.50) Alba House: Pattern for a Christian according to St. Thomas Aquinas, by A. I. Mennessier, O.P. Tr. by Nicholas Halligan, O.P. (Pp. 3~6, $4.95); The Dominican. A Short History, by William A. Hinnebusch, 0. P. Pp. 185, $3.95) Barnes & Noble Books: Experience, Inference and God, by John J. Shepherd . (Pp. 190, $16.50); Friederich Nietzsche: Philosopher. of Culture . ~nd ed., by Frederick Copletson. (Pp. ~87, $11.50) Les Editions Bellarmin: La Vocation de la Liberte dans la Philosophie de Paul Ricoeur, by Rosaire Bergeron, S.C. (Pp. 30~, $15.50) ; Philosophes de la Cite. Collection "L'Univers de la Philosophie," 3. (Pp. ~89, $5.00) Citta Nuova Editrice: Studi Tomistici. 4 San Tommaso e la Filosofia del Diritto Oggi. Saggi (Pp. 308, L 5.000) Columbia University Press: Causality & Determinism, by Georg Henrik Von Wright. (Pp. 164, $10.00) Dickenson Publishing Co.: Philosophical Problems of Causation, ed. by Tom L. Beauchamp. (Pp. ~56) Divus Thomas: Il Movimento Neotomistica Piacentino Iniziato al Collegio Alberoni da Francesco Grassi nel 1751 e la Formazione di Vincenzo Buzzetti, by Giovanni Felice Rossi. (Pp. 10~) Fides Publishers, Inc.: Evangelization Today, by Bernard Haring. (Pp. 191, $4.95) Positioning. Belief in the Mid-Seventies, by William J. Bausch. (Pp. 184, $7.95) Franklin Publishing Co.: The Mystery of Man, An Anthropologic Study, by Owen Sharkey. (Pp. 189, $10.95) The Free Press: Angel in Armor. A Post-Freudian Perspective on the Nature of Man, by Ernest Becker. (Pp. ~06, $~.95) Harper & Row, Publishers, Inc.: Gate of Heaven, by Ralph Mcinerny. (Pp. ~93, $8.95) Holt, Rinehart & Winston, Inc.: Resurrection and the Message of Easter, by Xavier Leon-Dufour. (Pp. 35~, $9.95) Liber: Dinamismo Intellettuale ed Esperienza Mistica nel Pensiero di Joseph Marechal, by Filippo Liverziani. (Pp. ~78, L. 3000) Libreria Editrice Vaticana: Biblioteca per la Storia del Tomismo. 6 Vincenzo Buzzetti Teologo, by Vittorio Rolandetti (pp. ~06) 7. Un'Opera Inedita di Gaetano Sanseverino, by Pasquale Orlando. (Pp. ~70) 6fl8 BOOKS RECEIVED 6~9 McGraw-Hill Book Co.: St. Thomas Aquinas Summa Theologiae. Vol. 31 (~a~ae, 107) Faith, by T. C. O'Brien. (Pp. WS, $15.00); Vol. 57 (Sa, 66-7~) Baptism and Confirmation, by James J. Cunningham, 0. P. (Pp. ~70, $15.00) Macmillan Publishing Co.: Religion in America, by George C. Bedell. (Pp. 553, $11.95) Ohio University Press: Political and Social Essays by Paul Ricoeur, ed. by David Stewart and Joseph Bien. (Pp. so~. $9.00) Oxford University Press: The Letters and Diaries of John Henry Newman. Vol. XXVII The Controversy with Gladstone. January 1874 to December 1875. (Pp. 475). Vol. XXVIII Fellow of Trinity. January 1876 to December.1878, ed by Charles Stephen Dessain and Thomas Gornall, S. J. ($48.00 each); Causation and Conditionals, ed. by Ernest Sosa. (Pp. ~0~. $4.95); The Cement of the Universe. A Study of Causation, by J. L. Mackie. (Pp. 3~9, $17.00) Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies: Porphyry the Phoenician. Isagoge, tr., introd. & notes by Edward W. Warren. (Pp. 65, $3.~5) Princeton University Press: John Duns Scotus "God and Creatures." The Quodlibetal Questions, tr., introd., notes & glossary by Felix Alluntis, OFM and Allan B. Wolter, OFM. (Pp. 58~, $~5.00) Verlag Ferdinand Schoningh: Thomas von Aquin und die Philosophic, by Harald Holz. (Pp. 88, 12.-) The Seabury Press: Catholicism Confronts Modernity: AProtestant View, by Langdon Gilkey. (Pp. ~11, $8.95); A New Pentecost?, by Leon Joseph Cardinal Suenens. (Pp. ~5~, $7.95) ; The Common Catechism. A Book of Christian Faith. (Pp. 715, $10.75); A Rahner Reader, ed. by Gerald McCool. (Pp. 409, $13.50 cloth, $6.95 paper); An American Catechism, ed. by George Dyer. (Pp. 3~0, $10.00 cloth, $4.95 paper); Rome and Canterbury through Four Centurjes, by Bernard and Margaret Pawley. (Pp. 431, $13.50) Sheed and Ward, Inc.: Our Savage God, by R. C. Zaehner. (Pp. 319, $8.95) University of Alabama Press: Mounier and Maritain: A French Catholic Understanding of the Modern World, by Joseph A. Amato. (Pp. ~38, $9.50) University of California Press: Studies in Medieval Philosophy, Science, and Logic...

