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160 BOOK REVIEWS of surviving in the actual environment. Rather, what is called for is a development of the Thomistic principles from within, in the way in which each individual writer experiences them in his own intellectual life and puts them into practice in his own personal involvement in each sphere of human activity. For this, obviously, the notion of adherence to a " system of thought " will have to be completely overcome. In the meantime , publications like the present one play an essential role in keeping alive the spirit of interest in the writings of Aquinas. Ponaifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies Toronto, Canada JosEPH OWENS, C. Ss. R. Evangelization Today. By BERNARD HARING. Translated by Fr. Albert Kuuire. Notre Dame: Fides Press, 1974. Pp. 191. (paperback). This book is an effort to apply the two great themes of Evangelization and Reconciliation currently being celebrated in the Catholic Church to a serious reconsideration of the basic understanding of moral theology and its urgent problems that have surfaced as a result of its encounter with the contemporary world. Evangelization Today continues Father Haring's long scholarly development of an understanding of moral theology which is faithful to the absoluteness of God and is, at the same time, responsive to the experiences of man. Underlying his entire approach through so many books is Father Haring's thesis that the revelation of the person of Jesus always takes place in and to community which leads to communion. Thus, the gospel message must always be embodied in the Church's life if it is to be proclaimed. As Father Haring sees it, the split between dogmatic theology and moral theology and the deep cleavage between the structure of contemporary societies and the Catholic Church make such a re-examination at this time essential for the future of the Church. Although there has been a healthy switch away from casuistry distant from the gospel and life in the solution of moral problems, many of the solutions being offered today in the name of social justice, human development and freedom are no closer to the perspectives and demands of faith. Consequently, in this book, Father Haring shows how the moral teaching of the Church and the moral life of the faithful are integral parts of witnessing to the faith which is evangelization . (Evangelization is understood not only as the initial propagation of the faith but also as its perennial deepening and continuing vitalization) . While the characteristic note of Christian moral theology is the perfect synthesis between love of God and love of neighbor, today sees the rise BOOK REVIEWS 161 of a new and dangerous ' moralism ' that limits itself either to an appeal to people to become involved in a good cause or to a threat of sanctions for a failure to respond. It is in the light of this new danger that "moral theology must think over its structures and norms in the light of evangelization ." (p. 3) . As far back as 1956 in his book, Macht und Ohnmacht der Religionssoziologie al,s Anruf, that is, even before his intense involvement in Vatican II, Father Haring saw clearly the necessity of interaction between theology, sociology and the pastoral ministry of the Church. His work as peritus at Vatican II and secretary to the commission which prepared the P(J)3toral, Constitution of the Church in the Modern World (Gaudium et Spes) reflects very much his unifying insight into the sacramental nature of the Christian life, expressed so eloquently in Gabe und Auftrag der Sacramente in 196~, where he says: "We do not separate the ethical commandment from the good news. Instead we see in Christ himself, in his works of grace and in the good news of the gospel, our salvation and the law of our life." His next work, published the year Vatican II convened, Konzil im Zeichen der Einheit, developed this understanding further when Father Haring insisted that the Church must re-examine all aspects of its life to see if its structure, preaching, liturgy, juridical forms and moral teachings are truly reflective of Christ's love and serve, therefore, as effective witnesses to it. This latest book brings to a further stage a...

