In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

THE GENERAL INDEX TO THE THOMIST VOL. XL (1976) INDEX OF AUTHORS PAGE Bourke, Vernon J., Moral Philosophy Without Revelation? 555 Clark, Ralph W., Aquinas on Intentions . 303 Clarke, W. Norris, Analogical Talk of God: An Affirmative Rejoinder 61 Conn, Walter E., Bernard Lonergan on Value . 243 Eno, Robert B. Ecclesia Docens: Doctrinal Authority in Tertullian and Vincent . 96 Innis, Robert E., Hans - Georg Gadamer's Truth and Method: A Review Article . 311 Innis, Robert E., The Triadic Structure of Religious Consciousness in Polanyi . 393 Jeffko, Walter G. Action, Personhood and Fact- Value . 116 Kelly Charles J. Some Arguments Concerning the Principle of Sufficient Reason and Cosmological Proofs . 258 Kerlin, Michael J., Crossing Berger's Fiery Brook . 366 Kluge, E.-H. W., Abstraction: A Contemporary Look 337 Leliaert, Richard M., Orestes Brownson: An American Search for God 571 Lisska, Anthony J., Aquinas on Phantasia . 294 Llamzon, Benjamin S., Philosophy in Our Catholic Universities: Athena or Socrates . 608 May, William E., What Makes a Human Being to Be A Being of Moral Worth? . 416 Mcinerny, Ralph, Naturalism and Thomistic Ethics . 222 Mohan, Robert P., Philosophical Presuppositions of the Founding Fathers . 1 Nielsen, Kai, Analogical Talk of God: A Negative Critique . 32 Peccorini, Francisco L., Aristotle's Agent Intellect: Myth or Literal Account? . 505 Regis, Edwards, Jr., Aristotle on Universals . 135 Sala, Giovanni, The A Priori in Human Knowledge: Kant's Critique of Pure Reason and Lonergan's Insight . 179 Shea, William M., Tracy's Blessed Rage for Order: A Review Article 665 Skousgaard, Stephen, Wisdom and Being in Aristotle's First Philosophy . 444 Tyrrell, Bernard, Healing Our Communal Consciousness: Christotherapy 571 VanderMarck, William, Ethics as a Key to Aquinas's Theology . 535 Wallace, William A. Sia: Studies of Causality on the Bicentenary of David Hume: A Review Article . 684 INDEX OF BOOKS REVIEWED Beauchamp, Tom L. (ed.) Philosophical Problems of Causation (Wallace) 694 Bedell, George C., (ed.) Religion in America (Whitney) 330 Bobik, Joseph, (ed.) The Commentary of Conrad of Prussia on the De Ente et Essentia of St. Thomas (Maurer) 174 Cunningham, James (ed.) Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologiae, Vol. 57 Baptism and Confirmation (3a 66-72) (Milmore) 328 Costello, Frank B., The Political Philosophy of Luis de Molina (Gueguen) 172 Feiner, Johannes {ed.) The Common Catechism: A Book of Christian Faith (Donnellan) 501 Hoye, William J. Actualitas Omnium Actuum: Man's Beatific Vision of God as Apprehended by Thomas Aquinas (Fenton) 484 Haring, Bernard, Evangelization Today (Burke) 160 Harre, Rom, and Madden, E. H., Causal Powers (Wallace) 702 Kovach, Francis J., Philosophy of Beauty (Philippe) 332 Mackie, J. L., The Cement! of the Universe: A Study of Causation (Wallace) 69ci Madden, E. H. and Harre, Rom, Causal Powers (Wallace) 702 Midgley, E. B. F., The Natural Law Tradition and the Theory of International Relations (Zagar) 495 May, William E., Becoming Human: An Invitation to Ethics (Lawler) 333 Pontifica Accademia Romana di S. Tommaso d'Aquino, (ed.), San Tommaso e il pensiero moderno (Owens) 153 Piolanti, Antonio {ed.) San Tommaso, Fonti e riflessi del suo pensiero, Saggi (Weisheipl) 322 Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association, Vol. XLVIII, Thomas and Bonaventure: A Septicentenary Commemoration (Zedler) . 16·i Shepherd, John J., Experience, Inference and God (Reichenbach) 488 Scotus, John Duns, God and Creatures: The Quodlibetal Questions (Boler) 492 Suenens, Leon J., A New Pentecost? (Stiegman) . . 325 Sibley, F. N., Perception: A Philosophical Symposium (Lisska) 168 Sosa, Ernest (ed.) Causation and Conditionals (Wallace) 695 von Wright, Georg Henrik, Causality and Determinism {Wallace) 697 ...

