In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

BOOKS RECEIVED Intervarsity Press: The Universe Next Door: A Basic World-View Catalog, by James W. Sire. (Pp. 214, $4.25, paper). The Macmillan Company: Man is the Measure, by Reube! Abel (Pp. ~74). Knowing and Acting: An Invitation to Philosophy, by Stephen Toulmin (Pp. 310). McGraw-Hill Book Company: St. Thomas Aquinas Summa Theologiae, Vol. 55 (3a, 53-59) The Resurrection of the Lord, translated by C. Thomas Moore, 0. P. (Pp. 135, $10.00). Vol. 59 (3a 79-83) Holy Communion, translated by Thomas Gilby, 0. P. (Pp. 187, $15.00). Pontifical Institute of Medieval Studies, Toronto: Philip the Cha:ncellor's Theology of the Hypostatic Union, by Walter H. Principe (Pp. 218, $IMO). Pontificia Accademia Teologica Romana: Tomismo e Neotomismo aFerrara, by Giuseppe Cenacchi (Pp. 216) . Scholars' Studies Press: Suicide and Morality: The Theories of Plato, Kant and Aquinas, by David Novak (Pp. 136, $7.50). The Seabury Press: Against the World for the World: The Hartford Appeal and the! Future of American Religion, edited by Peter Berger and Richard John Neuhaus (Pp. 164, $8.95, cloth; $8.95 paper). Bonhoeffer: Exile and Martyr, by Eberhard Bethge (Pp. 178, $7.95). The University of California Press: On the Several Senses of Being in Aristotle , by Franz Brentano, translated and edited by Rolf George (Pp. 197, $12.50). The University of Notre Dame Press: St. Thomas Aquinas, Summa Contra Gentiles, translated with Introduction and Notes by Anton C. Pegis. Vols. 1-5, Cloth, $55.00; paper, $19.00. Individual volumes available. Yale University Press: Hegel's Dialectic: Five Hermeneutical Studies, by Hans-Georg Gadamer, translated with an Introduction by P. Christopher Smith (Pp. 116, $10.00). Westminster Press: Lighten Our Darkness: Towards an Indigenous Theology of the Cross, by Douglas J. Hall (Pp. 256, $10.95). God's Parable, by Frederick H. Borsch (Pp. 128, $8.50. paper). 885 ...

