In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

THE GENERAL INDEX TO THE THOMIST VOLUME 42 (1978) INDEX OF AUTHORS PAGE Ashley, Benedict M., Three Strands in the Thought of Eckhart, the Scholastic Theologian . 2£6 Bennett, John B., The Tacit in Experience: Polayni and Whitehead . £8 Bobik, Joseph, The Sixth Way of St. Thomas Aquinas . 873 Boyle, Joseph M., Jr., Praeter Intentionem in Aquinas 649 Caputo, John D., Fundamental Themes in Meister Eckhart's Mysticism 197 Cardman, Francine, The Medieval Question of Women and Orders . 58£ Carlson, John, Possibilities of Religious Skepticism . Colledge, Edmund, Meister Eckhart: Studies of His Life and Works £40 Dennehy, Raymond, The Ontological Basis of Human Right . 434 Finan, William J., Curran's Ongoing Revision: A Review Article . 692 Ford, Lewis S. In What Sense Is God Infinite: A Process Perspective 1 Gueguen, John A., Voegelin's From Enlightenment to Revolution: A Review Article . 1£3 Haight, Roger, Grace and Liberation: An Interpretation of History 539 Hill, William J., In What Sense Is God Infinite: A Thomistic View 14 O'Meara, Thomas F., The Presence of Meister Eckhart . 171 O'Meara, Thomas F. An Eckhart Bibliography . 813 Ozment, Steven, Eckhart and Luther: German Mysticism and Protestantism . 259 Porter, Lawrence B., The Theologian of Humanae Vitae . 464 Quigley, Michael, Which Allegory for Religious Truth: Plato's Cave or Nietzsche's Zarathustra? . 6£5 Quinn, John M., The Third Way to God: A New Approach . 50 Robbins, Vernon K., Structuralism in Biblical Interpretation and Theology 849 Schiirmann, Reiner, The Loss of the Origin in Zoto Zen and Meister Eckhart . 281 Seidler, Michael J., The Medical Paradigm in Aristotelian Ethics 400 Smith, Edward T., Original Innocence in a Passionate Universe 69 Soffer, Walter, Descartes, Rationality arid God . 666 Stinson, Charles, Gilkey's Reaping the Whirlwind: A Review Article 135 Webb, Eugene, Eric Voegelin's Theory of Revelation . 95 Weber, Richard K., The Search for Identity and Community in the Fourteenth Century . 18£ INDEX OF BOOKS REVIEWED Barbotin, Edmond, The Humanity of God {Snell) . 519 Bernstein, Richard, The Restructuring of Social and Religious Theory (Kerlin) 527 Birch, Bruce and Rasmussen, Larry, Bible and Ethics in the Christian Life (Heath) 166 Bossy, John, The English Catholic Community: 1570-1850 (Ingham) 706 Brentano, Franz, On the Several Senses of Being in Aristotle (Kim) . 513 Craib, Ian, Existentialism and Sociology: A Study of Jean.-Paul Sartre (King) . 524 Dienstag, Jacob, (ed.) Studies in Maimonides and St. Thomas Aquinas (Stump) . Fetz, Reto, Ontologie der Innerlichkeit: Redition Completa und Processio Interior bei Thomas von Aquinas (O'Meara) 711 Greeley, Andrew, The American Catholic: A Social Portrait (Weigel) 163 Green, William and L'Engle, Madelaine (eds.), Spirit and Light: Essays in Historical Theory (Mead) . 160 Hoffman, Bengt R., Luther and the. Mystics (Newman) 510 Laflamme, Raymond, and Gervais, Michel (eds.), Le Christ Hier, Aujourd'hui et Demain (Weinandy) . 703 Moule, G. F. D., The Origin of Christology (Thrall) . 148 Pivcevic, Edo, (ed.) Phenom'enology and Philosophical Understandirig (Davis) . 156 Sanders, James W., The Education of an Urban Catholic Minority (Alexander) 195 Toulmin, Stephen, Knowing and Acting (Lindemann) . 532 ...

