In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

BOOKS RECEIVED Aubier-Montaigne: La Tkeorie Ari.storelicienne de l,a Science by Gilles G. Granger. Pp. 382; no price given. Bonifacius-Druckerei: Kirche und Kommunitat: Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte und zum Auftrag der kommunitaren Bewegung in den Kirchen der Reformation by Johannes Halkenhai.iser. Pp. 441; DM 48.00. Cambridge University Press: Action and Interpretation: Studies in the Philosophy of the Social Sciences edited by C. Hookway and P. Petit. Pp. 178; £5.95. Herder: Religionsphilosophie by Bernhardt Welte, O.P. Pp. 268; DM 84.00. Kaiser: Zur Freiheit eines Chri.stenmenschen: Eine Erinnerung an Luthers Schrift by Ernst Ji.ingel. Pp. mo; DM 11.50. Kok: Pastoraat ala hulpverlening: Inleiding in de pastorale theologie en psychologie by G. Heitink. Pp. 412; F.39.00. New York University Press: The Culture of Experience: Philosophical Essays in the American Grain by John J. McDermott. Pp. 287; $18.75. Orbis Books: Being awl. the Messiah: The Message of St. John by Jose Miranda. Pp. 245; $8.95 hardcover, $4.95 paper. Pennsylvania State University Press: Intentionality: A Study of Mental Acts by Richard Aquila. Pp. 168; $18.50. Pustet: Zur Psychologie der religiosen Persiinlichkeit by G. Gilen. Pp. 151; DM 17.50. Reidel: Organism, Medicine and Metaphysics: Essays in Honor of Hans Jonas edited by Franz Spicker. Pp. 380; F 65.00. SchOningh: Die eine Kirche und die vielen Kirchen: Ekklesiologie und Symbolik beim jungen Mohler by Hans Wagner. Pp. 384; DM 64.00. Styria: Der Glaube kommt vom hiiren: 6kumenische Fundamentaltheologie by Peter Knauer. Pp. 836; DM 39.00. Undena Publications: The King's Progress to Jerusalem: Some Interpretations of David During the Reformation Period and their Patristic and Medieval Background by Edward A. Gosselin. Pp. 181; no price given. Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht: Studien zur Theologie des Ignatius von Antiochien by H. Paulsen. Pp. 226; DM 48.00. Yale University Press: Issues in the Philosophy of Language edited by A. F. McKay and D. D. Merrill. Pp. 175; $8.95. The Origins of Knowledge and Imagination by Jacob Bronowski. Pp. 159; $5.75 paper. 195 ...

