In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

BOOKS RECEIVED University of Alabama Press: The Word's Body: An lncarnational Aesthe. tic of Interpretation by Alla Bozarth.Campbell. fp. 190; $15.50. University of California Press: History and Human Exist~nce: From Marx to Merleau-Ponty by James Miller. Pp. 9l96; $17.50. Cambridge University Press: Catholicism and History: The Opening of the Vatican Archives by Owen Chadwick. Pp. 180; £6.10. University College Cardiff Press: God and the Secular: A Philosophical Assessment of Secular Reasoning from Bacon to Kant by Ronald Attfield. Pp. 9l81; £9.50. Cerf: L'Esprit Saint dans l'Economie: revelation et experience de l'Esprit by Yves Congar. Pp. 9l40; FF 56. Claudius: Programme der Theologie: Denken, Schulen, Wirkungen: Von Schleiermacher bis Moltmann by Franz Kanzenbach. Pp. 9l45; DM 9l2.80. University of Chicago Press: Perception, Theory and Commitment: the New Philosophy of Science by Harold I. Brown. Pp. 9l09l; $4.95. Fordham University Press: The Metaphysics of Experience: A Companion to Whitehead by Elizabeth M. Kraus. Pp. 190; $17.50 cloth, $7.50 paper. KTAV: Maimonides and Aquinas: A Contemporary Appraisal by Jacob Haberman. Pp. 9l89; $17.50. Mathias-Grunewald: Liberal Catholicism, Reform Catholicism, Modernism: A Contribution to a New Orientation in Modernist Research by T. M. Loome. Pp. 459l; DM 86.00. Martinus Nijhoff: Franz Rosenweig's Philosophy of Existence by E:lt Freund. Pp. 189; FF. 69.70. Schultz's Theory of Relevance: A Phenomenological Critique. Pp. 9l88; Gld. 95.00. Oxford University Press: Man and Nature: Proceedings of Second International Conference of the Society for Metaphysics edited by George McLean. Pp. 9l40; $8.95. Patmos: Lesarten von Gott und Welt: Kleine Theologie religioser Verstandigung by Hans Zirker. Pp. 9l16; DM 9l7.80. Pustet: Erkenntnis objectiver Wahrheit by Josef Seifert. Pp. 898; no price. given. Reidel: Progress and Rationality in Science edited by Gerard Radnitzky and Gunnar Andersson. Pp. 416; $89.50 cloth, $18.50 paper. Schocken Books: Marxism and Hegel by Lucjo Colletti. Pp. 288; $7.95. Suhrkamp Verlag: Die Erklaren: Verstehenkontroverse in transzenden-: . talpragmatischer Sicht by :K;arl.Otto Apel. Pp. 856; DM 80.00, University of Washington Press: Contemplation and Action in World Religi,ons by Yusuf lbhih and Ileana Marculescu. Pp. 279; $4.95. 172 ...

