In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

BOOKS RECEIVED University of California Press: Truth, Love and Immortality: An Introduction to McTaggart's Philosophy by Peter T. Geach. Pp. 176; $14.95. University College Cardiff Press: God and the Secular: A Philosophical Assessment of Secular Reasoning from Bacon to Kant by Robert Attfield. Pp. !!15; lb. 9.50. Columbia University Press: Visions of the End: Apocalyptic Traditions in t1u: Middle Ages by Bernard McGinn. Pp. 363; $!M.OO. William B. Eerdmans: Christian Faith: An Introduction to the Study of the Faith by Hendrikus Berkhof. Pp. 541; $20.95. Fides/Claretian: Western Spirituality: Historical Roots, Ecumenical Routes edited by Matthew Fox, 0. P. Pp. 435; $9.95. Greenwood Press: The New Image of the Person: Theory and Practice of Clinical Philosophy by Peter Koestenbaum, Pp. 536; $19.95. Harvester Press: Renaissance Man and Creative Thinking: A History of Concepts of Harmony, 1400-1700 by D. Koenigsberger. Pp. 282; lb. 13.50. Walter de Gruyter: Science of Religion: Studies in Methodology, edited by Lauro Honko. Pp. 576; D. M. 96.00. Paulist Press: The Dialogue of St. Catherine of Siena, translated with an Introduction by Suzanne Neffke, 0. P. Pp. 366; $7.95 paper. Ridgeview Publishing Company: Falsification and Belief by A. McKinnon. Pp. 106; $18.00. Seabury Press: Karl Rahner: An Introduction to His Theology by KarlHeinz Weger. Pp. 200: $10.95. Creativity and God: A Challenge to Process Theology by Robert C. Neville. Pp. 163; $12.95. Cliffs of Fall: Paradox and Polyvalence in the Parables of Jesus by John D. Crossan. Pp. 118; $9.95. Surhkamp Verlag: Die Erklaren: Vestehen-Kontroverse in TranszendentalPragmatischer Sicht by Karl-Otto Apel. Pp. 355; D. M. 30.00. Templegate: The Way of the Preacher by Simon Tugwell, 0. P. Pp. 194; $7.95. University of Tennessee Press: Humanism and the Physician by Edmund D. Pellegrino. Pp. 242; no price given. University Press of America: Ideas of Religion: A Prolegomenon to the Philosophy of Religion by John E. Sullivan, 0. P. Pp. 234; $9.25. Linguistic Ramifications of the Essence-Existence Debate by Germain Kopaczynski. Pp. 195; $8.50. Vintage Press: The Habit of Being: Letters of Flannery O'Connor, edited with an Introduction by Sally Fitzgerald. Pp. 596; $8.50. Yale University Press: Aristotle's Theory of the Will by Anthony Kenny. Pp. 171; $17.50. 480 ...

