In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

BOOKS RECEIVED University of Alabama Press: The Philosophy of Man: A New Introduction to Some Perennial Issues by Howard P. Kainz. Pp. 198; $18.95 cloth, $8.95 paper. Alianza Editorial: Diccionario de Filosofia by Jose Ferrater Mora. 4 Volumes . Pp. 3589; no price given. American Maritain Association: Conference-Seminar on Jacques Maritain's The Degrees of Knowwdge edited by R. J. Henle, S.J., Marion Cordes and Jeane Vatterott. Pp. 235; $6 paper. Bantam Books: The Third Wave by Alvin Toffier. Pp. 576; $3.95 paper. Basic Books: The Essential Wittgenstein by Gerd Brand. Translated by Robert E. Innis. Pp. 182; $13.95. Center for Thomistic Studies: One Hundred Years of Thomism: Aeterni Patris and Afterwards-A Symposium edited by Victor B. Brezik, C.S.B. Pp. 210; no price given. University of Chicago Press: Skeptical Essays by Benson Mates. Pp. 176; $17. Editions Ousia: L'Avenement de la science physique: essai sur la Physique d'Aristote by Lambros Couloubaritsis. Pp. 340; $19 paper. Fortress Press: Christianity and Other Religions edited by John Hick and Brian Hebblethwaite. Pp. 276; $6.95 paper. Struggle and Fulfillment by Donald Evans. Pp. 248; $7.95 paper. Harper & Row: Fragments by Paolo Soleri. Pp. 211; $12.95. Intimacy by Henri J.M. Nouwen. Pp. 150; no price given. Introduction to Philosophy : A Case Study Approach by Jack B. Rogers and Forrest Baird. Pp. 226; $8.95 paper. Thornas Merton: Contemplative Critic by Henri J.M. Nouwen. Pp. 158; $3.95. Harvard University Press: The Transfiguration of the Commonplace by Arthur C. Danto. Pp. 212; $17.50. Holt, Rinehart & Winston: Islam in the Modern Woi:ld by Elie Kedourie. Pp. 332; $16.95. Intervarsity Press: Dilemma: A Nurse's Guide for Making Ethical Decisions by Judith Allen Shelly. Pp. 165; $4.95. Ohio University Press: Send My Roots Rain: A Study· of Religious Expression in the Poetry of· Gerard Manley Hopkins by Donald Walhout . Pp. 203; $15.95. Orbis Books.: Christian Realism and Liberation Theology by Dennis P. McCann. Pp. 250; $9.95. To Set At Liberty by Delwin Brown. Pp. 137; $6.95. 342 BOOKS RECEIVED 843 Oxford University Press: Anselm and A New Generation by G. R. Evans. Pp. 212; $34.50. Divine Commands and Morality edited by Paul Helm. Oxford Readings in Philosophy. Pp. 186; $7.95 paper. Doxology : The Praise of God in Worship, Doctrine and Life by Geoffrey Wainwright. Pp. 609; $24.95. Hume and the Problem of Causation by Tom L. Beauchamp and Alexander Rosenberg. Pp. 340; $~3.50. The Letters and Diaries of John Hen1·y Newman, Volume V, edited Thomas Gornall, S.J. Pp. 4Q3; $65. Newman and the Gospel of Christ by Roderick Strange. Pp. 179; $39. The Philosophical Basis of Medical Practice by Edmund D. Pellegrino and David C. Thomasma. Pp. 342; $11.95. Sociobiology Examined edited by Ashley Montague. Pp. 355; $19.95 cloth, $5.95 paper. Pontificia Accademia di S. Tommaso: Critica Filosofica by Giuseppe Cenacchi . Pp. 247. L'Enciclica Aeterni Patris nell'arco di un Secolo: Atti dell'VIII Congresso Tomistico Internazionale. Pp. 247; no prices given. Princeton University Press: Ab01·tion and Moral Theory by L. W. Sumner. Pp. Q46; $16.50 cloth, $4.95 paper. Interpretation: An Essay in the Philosophy of Literary Criticism by P. D. Juhl. Pp. 332; $QO. Rights, Justice and the Bounds of Liberty by Joel Feinberg. $20 cloth, $4.95 paper: Religious Education Press: Conscience: Development and Self-Transcendence by Walter E. Conn. Pp. 230; $11.95. St. Martin's Press: A Century of Moral Philosophy by W. D. Hudson. Pp. 198; $18.95. Seabury Press: Total Presence: The Language of Jesus and the Language of Today by Thomas J. J. Altiezr. Pp. 128; $9.95. State University Press of New York: Religion as Art: An Interpretation by Thomas R. Martland. Pp. QQI; $14.95. Wadsworth: Justice: Alternative Political Perspectives by James Sterba. Pp. 258; no price given. University of Washington Press: Eric Voegelin: Philosopher of History by Eugene Webb. Pp. 330; $20. Westminster Press: The Scope and Authority of the Bible by James Barr. Pp. 150; $7.95. Wilfred Laurier University Press: The Controversial Kierlcegaard by Gregor Malantschuk. Pp. 82; $6.50. ...

