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BOOKS RECEIVED Basic Books: The Art of Biblical Narrative by Robert Alter. Pp. 195; $13.95. Ilellarmin: Cosmic Presence by Roger Lebeuf. Pp. 557; $19.95. La theorie platonicienne de la Doxa by Yvon Lafranc. Collection noesis. Pp. 475; $30. Cambridge University Press: Aristotle and Logical Theory by Jonathan Lear. Pp. 123; $17.50. Conscience in Medieval Philosophy by Timothy C. Potts. Pp. 153; $24.50. Emotions by William Lyons. Cambridge Studies in Philosophy. Pp. 230; $29.50. The Idea of the Symbol by M. Jadwiga Swiatecka. Pp. 213; no price given. The Problems of Theology by Brian Hebblethwaite. Pp. 164; $21.50 cloth, $6.95 paper. The Will: A Dual Aspect Theory by Brian O'Shaugnessy . 2 volumes. Pp. 259, 386; $57.50, $62.50. Catholic University Press: God and Atheism by Bernardino M. Bonansea. Pp. 378; $15. The Metaphysical Thought of Godfrey of Fontaines by John F. Wippel. Pp. 413; no price given. The Clarendon Press; Oxford University Press: Doubt and Religious Commitment : The Role of Will in Newman's Thought by M. Jamie Ferreira . Pp. 156; $28.50. Works and Worlds of Art by Nicholas Wolterstorff . Clarendon Library of Logic and Philosophy. Pp. 392, fgs. 15; $55 cloth; $23.50 paper. The Diversity of Moral Thinking by Neil Cooper. Clarendon Library of Logic and Philosophy. Pp. 303; $45. Crossroad Publishing Company: The Emergent Church by Johann Baptist Metz. Pp. 127; $10.95. Interim Report on the Books Jesus and Christ by Edward Schillebeeckx. Pp. 151; $9.95. Minister? Pastor? Prophet ?: Grassroots Leadership in the Churches by Lucas Grollenberg, Edward Schillebeeckx, et al. Pp. 102; $8.95. Ministry: Leadership in the Community of Jesus Chri.~t by Edward Schillebeeckx. Pp. 176; $12.95. A Passion for Truth: Hans Kung and His Theology by Robert Nowell. Pp. 377; $14.95. Toward a Philosophy of Praxis by Karol Wojtyla (Pope John Paul II); edited by Alfred Bloch and George T. Czuczka. Pp. 152; $10.95. Harper & Row: Making All Things New by Henri J. M. Nouwen. Pp. 96. $6.95. Marquette University Press: Karl Rahner, S.J.: Discoverer in Theology edited by William J. Kelly, S.J. Pp. 320; $24.95. New American Library: Kierkegaard's Philosophy by John Douglas Mullen. Pp. 176; $2.95 paper. 500 1300'.KS RECEIVED .501 Pontificia Accademia di S. Tommaso: L'Enciclica Aeterni Patris: Significato e preparazione. Atti dell'VIII Congresso Tomistico Internazionale, vol. II. Studi Tomistici, 11. Pp. 484; no price given. Princeton University Press: Kierkegaard and Christendom by John W. Elrod. Pp. 320; $22.50. Reidel: Prelude to Galileo by William A. Wallace. Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science, 62. Pp. 369; $49.95 cloth, $23.50 paper. Routledge & Kegan Paul: Marx and Wittgenstein: Social Praxis and Social Explanation by David Rubinstein. Pp. 231; $25. St. Martin's Press: Understanding Persons: Personal and Impersonal Relationships by Frances M. Berenson. Pp. 198; $19.95. Scholars Press: Lonergan Workshop, vol. 2 edited by Fred Lawrence. Pp. 403; no price given. Seabury Press: The Being of God by Robert P. Scharlemann. Pp. 204; $14.95. Toward a Reformulation of Natural Law by Anthony Battaglia . Pp. 150; $14.95. University Press of America: The Bible for Ethics: Juan Luis Segundo and First World Ethics by Anthony J. Tambasco. Pp. 286; $19.25 cloth, $10.50 paper. Existence wnd Presence by Lawrence L. Cassidy. Pp. 246; $16.50 cloth, $7.50 paper. Theologies and Evil by John S. Feinberg . Pp. 174; $13.75 cloth, $7.75 paper. Westminster Press: Justification: The Doctrine of Karl Barth and a Catholic Reflection by Hans Kling. Pp. 332; $14.95 paper. The Formation of Christian Understanding by Charles M. Wood. Pp. 128; $7.95 paper. Priorities in Biomedical Ethics by James F. Childress. Pp. 143; $8.95 paper. ...

