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  • Contributors

kjetil klette boehler is a researcher at the Institute of Norwegian Social Research (NOVA) at Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences. In 2013 he defended his PhD dissertation titled “Grooves, Pleasures and Politics in Salsa Cubana: The Musicality of Cuban Politics and the Politics of Salsa Cubana.” His dissertation investigates how Cuban popular dance music reflects, inflects, and contests changing revolutionary values in Cuba today. He has recently published various articles on Cuban music in international peer-reviewed music journals on the interplay of music and politics in Cuba. Klette Boehler also has seven book chapters exploring active citizenship for persons with disabilities, to be published by Routledge by the end of 2016. Thanks to a four-year grant from the Norwegian Research Council, Klette Boehler is currently engaged in a research project on the politics of music in Latin America, examining cases from Cuba, Brazil, and Haiti.

francisco lara specializes in the music and culture of Latin America, Ecuador, and the African diaspora (specifically Afro-Ecuador). He received his PhD in musicology from Florida State University (2011), where he studied with Dale A. Olsen, Frank Gunderson, Michael Bakan, and Michael Uzendoski. He resides in Memphis, Tennessee, with his wife, Diana Ruggiero, and son, and he currently serves as a visiting assistant professor of music history at the University of Memphis and as an adjunct at Rhodes College.

jorge pavez ojeda ( es doctor en ciencias sociales (L’École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, 2007), y actualmente se desempeña como investigador asociado de la programa Escrituras Americanas de la Universidad Metropolitana de Ciencias de la Educación (Santiago de Chile). Ha sido investigador invitado en el Institut d’Études Avancées de Paris (2013), en el Department of Anthropology de la University of Chicago (2011) y en el Instituto de Investigación y Desarrollo de la Cultura Cubana “Juan Marinello” (La Habana, 2001). Recientemente ha publicado el libro Laboratorios etnográficos: Los archivos de la antropología en Chile (1880–1980) (Santiago, 2015), y varios artículos de historia y antropología de la escritura y la imagen afroamericana e indígena en América Latina y el Caribe. [End Page 262]

diana ruggiero is an assistant professor of Spanish at the University of Memphis. Her research encompasses Afro-Latino history and culture, Afro-Ecuadorian oral traditions, and Spanish for specific purposes. In 2008, she produced a Fulbright-funded documentary film on Afro-Ecuadorian bomba and the communities of the Chota-Mira Valley. Ruggiero has presented and published on research in Ecuador pertaining to bomba and the Chota-Mira Valley. She received her doctorate from Ohio State University, where she studied with Ileana Rodriguez, Lúcia Costigan, and Terrell Morgan. She currently resides in Memphis, Tennessee, along with her husband, Francisco Lara, and son. [End Page 263]


