In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

THE GENERAL INDEX TO THE THOMIST VOLUME 47 (1983) INDEX OF AUTHORS PAGE Bales, Eugene F., A. Heideggerian Interpretation of Negative Theology in Plotinus . 197 Buckley, James J., Karl Rahner as a Dogmatic Theologian 364 Centore, F. F., Is Darwinism Dead7 552 Dahlstrom, Daniel 0., Mutual Need and Frustration: Hegel's Conception of Religion and Philosophy in the Modern Era • 339 De Kuyer, Kees, C.Ss.R., The Problem of Ground in the Philosophy of Martin Heidegger • 100 DiNoia, J. A., 0. P., Implicit Faith, General Revelation and the State of Non-Christians . 209 Herrera, Robert A., An Episode in Medieval Aristotelianism: Maimonides and St. Thomas on the Active Intellect . 317 Irwin, Kevin W., Recent Sacramental Theology: A Review Discussion 594 Keefe, Donald J., S.J., Mary as Created Wisdom, the Splendor of the New Creation 395 Kelley, Francis E., The Egidean Influence in Robert Orford's Doctrine on Form • 77 Kunkel, Joseph C., Just War Doctrine and Pacifism 501 Kendall, George, Alienation and the Struggle for Existence: Biblical and Ideological Views in Contrast • 66 Kondoleon, Theodore J., More on the Free Will Defense • 1 MacDonald, Sebastian, C.P., Can Moral Theology be Appropriate7 543 Outka, Gene, Remarks on a Theological Program Instructed by Science 574 O'Neill, Colman E., O.P., Analogy, Dialectic and Inter-Confessional Theology • 43 Phan, Peter C., Authority and Theological Method: A Review Discussion 421 Rasmussen, Douglas B., Logical Possibility: An Aristotelian Essentialist Critique 515 Tracy, Thomas T., The Moral Perfections of God 478 Stout, Jeffrey, The Philosophical Interest of the Hebrew-Christian Moral Tradition 165 Theron, Stephen, The Moral Law and Theism: A Ileview Discussion 118 Vallicella, William F ., A Critique of the Quantificational Account of Existence • 242 INDEX OF BOOKS REVIEWED PAGE Alter, Robert: The Art of Bibical Narrative (R. F. Thiemann) 306 Anscombe, G. E. M.: Collected Papers (Brian Davies, O.P.) 611 Aquinas, Thomas: Commentary on the Gospel of John (W. Harrington ) 151 Battaglia, Anthony: Toward_a Reformulation of Natural Law (Raymond Smith) 461 Butchvarov, Panayot: Being qua Being: A Theory of Identity, Existence , and Predication (N. Ingham, O.P.) 159 Daly, Gabriel: Transcendence and Immanence (Lawrence B. Porter, O.P.) . 639 Danto, Arthur C.: The Trans'figuration of the Commonplace (R. Kimball) . 298 de Margerie, Bertrand: Les Perfections du Dieu de Jesus Christ (W. G. Most) . 155 Findlay, J. N.: Kant and the Transcendental Object (A. Wood) 288 Friedman, George: The Political Philosophy of the Frankfurt School (Dennis McCann) 451 Grollenberg, Lucas, Edward Schillebeeckx, et al.: Minister? Pastor? ProphetT: Grass Roots Leadership in the Churches (K. W. Irvin) 140 Hebblethwaite, Brian: The Problem of Theology (Monika K. Hellwig ) 443 Haberman, Jacob: Maimonides and Aquinas (B. A. Williams, O.P.) 279 Hayes, Zachary: The Hidden Center (Thomas Reist, O.F.M. Conv.) 627 Hesse, Mary: Revolutions and Reconstructions in the Philosophy of Science (P. T. Durbin) 148 Horst, Ulrich: Unfehlbarkeit Und Geschichte (Peter Chirico, S.S.) 635 Hudson, W. D.: A Century of Moral Philosophy (J. W. Crossin, O.S.F.S. . 145 Jedin, Hubert, et al. History of the Church Vol. 10 (Walter J. Bildstein) 631 Kelly, William J., S.J. (ed.): Theology and Discovery: Essays in Honor of Karl Rahner) 310 Kennington, Richard (ed.): 1'he Philosophy of Baruch Spinosa (N. Fenton, O.P.) 281 Lear, Jonathan: Aristotle and Logical Theory (J. M. Bochenski, O.P.) . 277 Lyons, William: Emotion (Brian Davies; O.P.) 449 Margolis, Joseph: Art and Philosophy (R. Kimball) 298 Mates, Benson: Skeptical Essays (Craig Knoche) 448 McCormick, Richard A.: How Brave a Brave New World? (William J. Finan, O.P.) . 456 INDEX OF BOOKS REVIEWED PAGE Metz, J. B.: The Emergent Churah (M. J. Kerlin) 308 Millet, Jean: God or Christ"/ (Elizabeth Johnson, C.S.J.) 625 Moltmann, Jiirgen: The Trinity and the Kingdom (G. Hunsinger) 129 Nozick, Robert: Philosophical Explanations (J.M. Cameron) 268 O'Shaughnessy, Brian: The Will (B. Davies, O.P.) 161 Plantinga, Alvin: Does God Have a Nature'! (Eleonore Stump) 618 Rahner, Karl: Theological Investigations XVIII and XX (Michael Scanlon, O.S.A.) 466 Rubenstein, David: Marx and Wittgenstein (J. Churchill) 291 Scharlemann, Robert: The Being of God: Theology and the Experience of Truth (Michael Quigley) 462 Schillebeeckx, Edward: Ministry: Leadership in...

