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BOOKS RECEIVED Alba House: The Nature and Necessity of Christ's Church: An Introduction to Ecclesiology by Michael Richards. Pp. 142; $7.95. Aschendorff: Cajetan und Die Anfiinge Der Reformation by Jared Wicks. Katholisches Leben und Kirchenreform in Zeitalter der Glaubensspaltung , Vol. 43. Pp. 136; no price given. Augustinian College Press: The Medieval Inquisition by Albert C. Shannon , 0.S.A. Pp. 151; no price given. St. Bede's Publications: Word di; Spirit, A Monastic Review, Vol. 5: Christology. Pp. 169; $7.00. Biblioteca de Autores Cristianos: Jesus de Nazaret: A proximaci6n a la Cristologia by Olegario Gonzalez de Cardedal. Pp. 611; no price given. Bellarmin: Methode et Exegese en Histoire de la Philosophie by Yvon Lafrance. Pp. 133; $9.95. Bouvier Verlag Herbert Grundmann: Bedeutung und Evidenz bei Edmund Husserl by George Heffernan. Pp. 218; no price given. Center for John England Studies, Inc.: A Free Church in a Free Society by Peter Clarke. Pp. 561; $24.95 cloth; $15.95 + $1.00 postage paper. Congdon & Weed, Inc.: Monte Cassino by David Hapgood & David Richardson . Pp. 288; $17.95. 0 Vatican! a Slightly Wicked View of the Holy See by Paul Hofmann. Pp. 296; $17.95. Crossroad: Art, Creativity, and the Sacred by Diane Apostolos-Cappadona . Pp. 340, $15.95. The Love of Jesus and the Love of Neighbor by Karl Rahner, translated by Robert Barr. Pp. 104, $5.95. Theological Investigations; Vol. XVIII: God and Revelation by Karl Rahner, translated by Edward Quinn. Pp. 304, $19.50. Theological Investigations; Vol. XIX: Faith and Ministry by Karl Rahner, translated by Edward Quinn. Pp. 282; $19.50. Editorial San Esteban: La Iglesia: Memoria y Profecia by J. Espeja. Pp. 366, no price given. Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co.: God as the Mystery of the World by Eberhard Jungel, translated by Darrell L. Guder. Pp. 414, $20.95. Fortress Press: The Shape of Scriptural Authority by David L. Bartlett. Pp. 176, $8.95. The Use of the Bible in Christian Ethics: A Constructive Essay by Thomas W. Ogletree. Pp. 240, $19.95. Franciscan Herald Press: A Treatise on God as First Principle by John Duns Scotus, edited and translated by Allan B. Wolter, O.F.M. Pp. 373, $15.00. 336 BOOKS BECEIVED 887 Georgetown University Press: Fundamentals of Ethics by John Finnis. Pp. 163, $17.95 cloth, $8.95 paper. Michael Glazier, Inc.: The Early Fathers on War and Military Service by Louis J. Swift. Vol. 19: Message of the Fathers of the Church. Pp. 164, $12.95 cloth, $7.95 paper. Gift of Community; Baptism and Confirmation by Thomas A. Marsh. Vol. 2 : Message of the Sacraments. Pp. 205, $12.95 cloth, $7.95 paper. The Gospel

