In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

GENERAL INDEX TO THE THOMIST VOLUME 67 (2003) ARTICLES Bradley, Denis J. M., "Reason and the Natural Law: Flannery's Reconstruction of Aquinas's Moral Theory" ............... 119 Caponi, Francis J., O.S.A., "Karl Rahner and the Metaphysics of Participation" ...................................... 375 Dobie, Robert J., "Reason and Revelation in the Thought of Meister Eckhart" ................................................. 409 Flannery, Kevin L., S.J., "Applying Aristotle in Contemporary Embryology" ................................................. 249 __, "The Multifarious Moral Object of Thomas Aquinas" .......... 95 Foley, Michael P., "Augustine, Aristotle, and the Confessions" ........ 607 Hoffmann, Tobias, "Moral Action as Human Action: End and Object in Aquinas in Comparison with Abelard, Lombard, Albert, and Scotus" .................................................. 73 Jensen, Steven, "A Long Discussion regarding Steven A Long's Interpretation of the Moral Species" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 623 Kelly, Anthony J., C.Ss.R., "A Multidimensional Disclosure: Aspects of Aquinas's Theological Intentionality" .................... 335 Laporte, Jean-Marc, S.J., "Christ in Aquinas's Summa Theologiae: Peripheral or Pervasive?" ...................................... 221 Larson, Thomas R., "Aristotle's Understanding of Place" ............. 439 Long, Steven A., "A Brief Disquisition regarding the Nature of the Object of the Moral Act according to St. Thomas Aquinas" ............ 45 Mansini, Guy, O.S.B., "Sacerdotal Character at the Second Vatican Council" ................................................. 539 Massa, James, "Lindbeck's Vision of the Church" .................. 463 Osborne, Jr., Thomas M., "The Augustinianism of Thomas Aquinas's Moral Theory" .......................................... 279 Pristas, Lauren, "Theological Principles That Guided the Redaction of the Roman Missal (1970)" ............................... 157 Reynolds, Philip L., "Spiritual Cognition in Thomas Aquinas" ......... 505 Rhonheimer, Martin, "The Cognitive Structure of the Natural Law and the Truth of Subjectivity" .................................. 1 Vall, Gregory, "Inclusive Language and the Equal Dignity of Women and Men in Christ" ..................................... 579 INDEX OF ARTICLES (con.) Waddell, Michael M., "Truth or Transcendentals: What Was St. Thomas's Intention at De Veritate 1.1?" .......................... 197 REVIEWS Raglow, Christopher, "Modus et Forma": A New Approach to the Exegesis of St. Thomas Aquinas with an Application to the "Lectura super Epistolam ad Ephesios" (Steven C. Boguslawski, O.P.) ........ 499 Barrera, Albino, O.P., Modern Catholic Social Documents & Political Economy (Andrew V. Abela) ........................... 652 Cessario, Roma.nus, 0.P., The Virtues, or the Examined Life (Matthew Levering) .......................................... 143 Clarke, W. Norris, S.J., The One and the Many: A Contemporary Thomistic Metaphysics (John Goyette) ............................ 490 Deely, John, The Four Ages of Understanding: The First Postmodern Survey of Philosophy from Ancient Times to the Turn ofthe Twenty-First Century (Benedict M. Ashley, O.P.) ...................... 133 Fields, Stephen M., S.J., Being as Symbol: On the Origin and Development of Karl Rahner's Metaphysics (Michael G. Parker) ............. 147 Flood, David, O.F.M., ed:, Peter of]ohn Olivi On the Acts ofthe Apostles (Timothy B. Noone) ................................. 154 Franklin, James, The Science ofConjecture: Evidence and Probability before Pascal (Barry Miner) ................................. 152 Goudreau, Paul, The Passions ofChrist's Soul in the Theology ofSt. Thomas Aquinas (Leo J. Elders, S.V.D.) ......................... 498 Hemming, Laurence Paul, Heidegger's Atheism: The Refusal ofa Theological Voice (Michael L. Raposa) ............................. 306 Houser, R. E., ed., Medieval Masters: Essays in Memory ofMsgr. E. A. Synan (Desmond J. FitzGerald) .............................. 331 Kaczor, Christopher, Proportionalism and the Natural Law Tradition (Michael Sherwin, O.P.) ...................................... 481 Kerr, Fergus, After Aquinas: Versions ofThomism (Brian J. Shanley, O.P.) 318 Levering, Matthew, Christ's Fulfillment ofTorah and Temple: Salvation according to Thomas Aquinas (Francis Martin) ............. 321 McPartland, Thomas J., Lonergan and the Philosophy ofHistorical Existence (David Fleischacker) ................................. 325 INDEX OF REVIEWS (con.) Milem, Bruce, The Unspoken Word: Negative Theology in Meister Eckhart's German Sermons (Leonard P. Hindsley) .................. 328 Miller, Barry, The Fullness ofBeing: A New Paradigm for Existence Oohn Peterson) .......................................... 485 Murphy, Mark C., An Essay on Divine Authority (Philip E. Devine) .... 314 _ , Natural Law and Practical Reasoning 0/. Bradley Lewis) ....... 310 Pope, Stephen J., ed., The Ethics ofAquinas (Paul J. Wojda) .......... 140 Potworowski, Christophe F., Contemplation and Incarnation: The Theology ofMarie-Dominique Chenu (Aidan Nichols, O.P.) ........... 137 Rico, Herminio, John Paul II and the Legacy of "Dignitatis humanae" Oaroslaw Kupczak, O.P.) ............................. 662 Smith, Timothy L., Thomas Aquinas' Trinitarian Theology (Gilles Emery, O.P.) ............................................. 645 Springsted, Eric 0., The Act ofFaith: Christian Faith and the Moral Self (Michael Dauphinais) ................................ 649 Steck, Christopher, The Ethical Thought ofHans Urs von Balthasar (Frederick Christian Bauerschmidt) .............................. 494 Stickelbroeck, Michael, Christologie im...

