In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

GENERAL INDEX TO THE THOMIST VOLUME 70 (2006) ARTICLES Baldner, Steven, "Albertus Magnus and the Categorization of Motion" .. 203 Bradshaw, David, "Time and Eternity in the Greek Fathers" .......... 311 Burke, Cormac, "A Postscript to the 'Remedium Concupiscentiae'" ..... 481 Colton, Randall G., "Two Rival Versions of Sexual Virtue: Simon Blackburn and John Paul II on Lust and Chastity" .................... 71 George, Marie I., "Aquinas on the Nature of Trust" ................ 103 Hemming, Laurence Paul, "Giving a Good Account of God: Is Theology Ever Mathematical?" ..................................... 367 Henninger, Mark G., S.J., "Thomas Sutton on Univocation, Equivocation, and Analogy" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 537 Horner, David A., "Is Aquinas an Act-Ethicist or an Agent-Ethicist?" .... 237 Jensen, Steven J., "Do Circumstances Give Species?" .................. 1 Jowers, Dennis W., "A Test of Karl Rahner's Axiom, 'The Economic Trinity Is the Immanent Trinity and Vice Versa"' ........................ 421 Levering, Matthew, "Natural Law and Natural Inclinations: Rhonheimer, Pinckaers, McAleer" ...................................... 155 Long, Steven A., "An Argument for the Embryonic Intactness of Marriage" ...................................................... 267 Salas, Victor, Jr., "Thomas Aquinas on Christ's Esse: A Metaphysics of the Incarnation" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 577 Smith, Janet E., "The Morality of Condom Use by HIV-Infected Spouses" 27 Weinandy, Thomas G., O.F.M.Cap., "The Beatific Vision and the Incarnate Son: Furthering the Discussion" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 605 Wright, William M., IV, "The Theology of Disclosure and Biblical Exegesis" ...................................................... 395 REVIEWS Bagchi, David, and David C. Steinmetz, eds., The Cambridge Companion to Reformation Theology Gared Wicks, S.J.) ................ 289 Bauerschmidt, Frederick Christian, Holy Teaching: Introducing the "Summa Theologiae" ofSt. Thomas Aquinas (Matthew Levering) . . . . . 140 Bauerschmidt, Frederick Christian, and Jim Fodor, eds., Aquinas in Dialogue: Thomas for the Twenty-First Century (Robert Barron) 296 Bedouelle, Guy, The History ofthe Church Gohn Vidmar, O.P.) ....... 478 Burrell, David, Faith and Freedom: An Interfaith Perspective (Mary Beth Ingham) ......................................... 125 Coolman, Boyd Taylor, Knowing God by Experience: The Spiritual Senses in the Theology ofWilliam ofAuxerre (Kevin L. Hughes) ....... 137 Dupre, Louis, The Enlightenment and the Intellectual Foundations ofModern Culture (William Desmond) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 304 Farrelly, M. John, O.S.B., The Trinity: Rediscovering the Central Christian Mystery (Anthony]. Kelly, C.Ss.R.) ..................... 133 Fodor, Jim, and Frederick Christian Bauerschmidt, eds., Aquinas in Dialogue: Thomas for the Twenty-First Century (Robert Barron) 296 George, Marie I., Christianity and Extraterrestrials: A Catholic Perspective (Ernan McMullin) .................................. 143 Guarino, Thomas G., Foundations ofSystematic Theology (Paul]. Griffiths) ................................................ 467 Hauser, Daniel, Marriage and Christian Life: A Theology ofChristian Marriage Gulie Hanlon Rubio) ................................ 148 LaNave, Gregory, Through Holiness to Wisdom: The Nature ofTheology according to St. Bonaventure Gohn F. Boyle) .............. 471 Lawler, Michael G., What Is and What Ought to Be: The Dialectic of Experience, Theology, and Church (Thomas G. Guarino) ..... 129 Libera, Alain de, Metaphysique et noetique: Albert le Grand (Michael W. Tkacz) ........................................... 474 Moss, David, and Edward T. Oakes, S.J., eds., The Cambridge Companion to Hans Urs van Balthasar (Peter J. Casarella) ............... 292 O'Donovan, Oliver, The Ways of]udgment (Thomas W. Smith) ....... 300 Oakes, Edward T., S.J., and David Moss, eds., The Cambridge Companion to Hans Urs van Balthasar (Peter ]. Casarella) ............... 292 Resnick, Irven M., Albert the Great: A Selectively Annotated Bibliography (1900-2000) (Michael W. Tkacz) ...................... 152 INDEX OF REVIEWS (con.) Sherwin, Michael S., O.P., By Knowledge and by Love: Charity and Knowledge in the Moral Theology ofSt. Thomas Aquinas (Michael Dauphinais) ....................................... 306 Steinmetz, David C., and David Bagchi, eds., The Cambridge Companion to Reformation Theology Oared Wicks, S.J.) ................ 289 Stout, Jeffrey, Democracy and Tradition (V. Bradley Lewis) .......... 462 Van Nieuwenhove, Rik, and Joseph Wawrykow, eds., The Theology of Thomas Aquinas (Serge-Thomas Bonino, 0.P.) ............ 457 Wawrykow, Joseph, and Rik van Nieuwenhove, eds., The Theology of Thomas Aquinas (Serge-Thomas Bonino, 0.P.) ............ 457 ...

