In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Erratum

Erratum for Adi Kuntsman, review of Wrapped in the Flag of Israel: Mizrahi Single Mothers and Bureaucratic Torture , by Smadar Lavie, Journal of Middle East Women’s Studies 12, no. 2 (2016): 264–66.

On page 266 of the print version of the article, the last sentence of the review should read: “Beyond that, Wrapped is a key reading for all of us doing feminist, decolonial, antiracist, and intersectional work, especially in contexts where the torture of oppression is not obvious or is constantly explained away, for all of us needing and wanting to learn how to be an academic survivor and how to write a scholarship of the disenfranchised without making the pain of others (or one’s own) into a consumable fetish, devoid of political work.”

This sentence has been corrected in the online versions of the article.

DOI 10.1215/15525864-3695999 [End Page 460]


