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215 Publications Books Anderson, Eugene. N. 2014. Food and Environment in Early and Medieval China. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press. Coutinho, Steve. 2014. An Introduction to Daoist Philosophies. New York: Columbia University Press. Dean, Ken. 2014. Taoist Ritual and Popular Cults of Southeast China. Princeton: Princeton University Press. Eifring, Halvor, ed. 2014. Hindu, Buddhist, and Daoist Meditation: Cultural Histories. Oslo: Hermes Publishing. Esposito, Monica. 2014. Facets of Qing Daoism. Zurich: UniversityMedia. Fava, Patrice. 2014. Aux portes du ciel: La statuaire taoïste du Hunan. Art et anthropologie de la Chine. Paris: Les Belles Lettres / EFEO. Jia, Jinhua, Xiaofei Kang, and Ping Yao, eds. 2014.Gendering Chinese Religion: Subject , Identity, and Body. Albany: State University of New York Press. Karetzky, Patricia Eichenbaum. 2014. Chinese Religious Art. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books. Katz, Paul R. 2014. Religion in China and Its Modern Fate. Waltham, Mass.: Brandeis University Press. Kim, Sung-hae. 2014. The Gourd and the Cross: Daoism and Christianity in Dialogue. St. Petersburg, Fla.: Three Pines Press. Kohn, Livia. 2014. Zhuangzi: Text and Context. St. Petersburg, Fla.: Three Pines Press. Komjathy, Louis. 2014. Daoism: A Guide for the Perplexed. New York: Bloomsbury Academic. Komjathy, Louis. 2014. Way of Complete Perfection: A Quanzhen Daoist Anthology. Albany: State University of New York Press. Lagerwey, John, ed. 2014. Modern Chinese Religion. Part One: Song-Liao-Jin-Yuan (960-1368). Leiden: Brill. 216 / Journal of Daoist Studies 8 (2015) Lee, Jung H. 2014. The Ethical Foundations of Daoism: Zhuangzi’s Unique Moral Vision . New York: Palgrave-McMillan. Liu, Xiaogan. 2014. Dao Companion to Daoist Philosophy. New York: Springer. Liu, Xun, and Vincent Goossaert, eds. 2014. Quanzhen Daoists in Chinese Society and Culture, 1500-2010. Berkeley: University of California, Institute of East Asian Studies. Mastellari, Marcos Díaz. 2015. El Dao De Jing desde adentro. Madrid: Mandala Ediciones. Miller, James, San Smyer Yu, and Piet van der Veer., eds. 2014. Religion and Ecological Sustainability in China. London: Routledge. Neville, Robert C. 2013. Ultimates: Philosophical Theology Volume One. Albany: State University of New York Press. Neville, Robert C. 2014. Existence: Philosophical Theology Volume Two. Albany: State University of New York Press. Neville, Robert C. 2015. Religion: Philosophical Theology Volume Three. Albany: State University of New York Press. Olles, Volker. 2014. Ritual Words: Daoist Liturgy and the Confucian Liumen Tradition in Sichuan Province. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz. Pankenier, David W. 2014. Astrology and Cosmology in Early China: Conforming Earth to Heaven. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Perkins, Franklin. 2014. Heaven and Earth Are Not Humane: The Problem of Evil in Classical Chinese Philosophy. Bloomington: Indiana University Press. Qiao, Yun. 2014. Taoist Buildings: The Architecture of China’s Indigenous Relgsion. New York: Times Books. Queen, Sarah A., and Michael Puett, eds. 2014. The Huainanzi and Textual Production in Early China. Leiden: E. Brill. Salguero, C. Pierce. 2014. Translating Buddhist Medicine in Medieval China. Philadelphia : University of Pennsylvania Press. Serran-Pagan y Fuentes, Cristobal, ed. 2014. Merton and the Tao: Dialogues with John Wu and the Ancient Sages. New York: Fons Vitae. Slingerland, Edward. 2014. Trying Not to Try: The Art and Science of Spontaneity. New York: Random House. News of the Field / 217 Swartz, Wendy et al, ed. 2014. Early Medieval China: A Sourcebook. Columbia University Press. Wang, Bo. 2014. Zhuangzi: Thinking through the Inner Chapters. Translated by Livia Kohn. St. Petersburg, Fla.: Three Pines Press. Wu, Jyh Cherng. 2014. Daoist Meditation: The Purification of the Heart Method and Discourse on Sitting and Forgetting. London: Jessica Kingley Publishers. Chinese Guo Tang 郭傥. 2014. 造乎天人一致之工—张宇初道教哲学思想研究. Jinan: Shandong daxue. Hua Chanqiong 华彦琼. 2014. 陈景元道教教育思想研究. Taiyuan: Shanxi shifan daxue. Huang Guowei 黄国维. 2014. 汉唐间老子显灵故事研究. Lanzhou: Lanzhou daxue. Huang Yuebiao 黄悦标. 2014.广东畲族祖图的道教信仰内涵研究. Guangzhou: Guangdong jishu shifan xueyuan. Lai Chitim 黎志添, and Li Jing 李靜, eds. 廣州府道教廟宇碑刻集釋. 2014. Hong Kong: Chinese University of Hong Kong, Center for Daoist Studies. Liang Dong 梁栋. 2014.敦煌本 P.2444 洞渊神咒经卷七斩鬼品研究 兰州大学 Liao Wanru 廖婉茹. 2014.彰化地区道教正一派之仪式与音乐研究:以埤脚镇兴坛 为对象. Taipei: Taiwan shifan daxue. Lin Mengyi 林孟毅. 2014. 雷击死亡者之丧仪探究—以清代湖南地区道士科仪手抄 本为例. Zhengzhou: Chenggong daxue. Liu Zhongyu 刘仲宇. 2014. 道教授制度研究. Beijing: Zhonghuo shehui kexue chubanshe. Lu Guanqiong 鲁冠琼. 2014. 太原道教文化事业发展的现状, 问题及对策研究—以 太原三大道教场所为例. Chongqing: Xinan daxue. Luo Xiang 罗翔. 2014.谭峭及化书研究. Chongqing: Chongqing daxue. Qian Min 钱敏. 2014. 历世真仙体道通鉴研究. Ph. D. Diss. Huazhong shifan daxue. Beijing. Wang Jingyu 王靖宇. 2014. 日本文化对道教的文化认同—以民俗宗教为中心. Chengdu: Sichuan waiguoyu daxue. 218 / Journal of Daoist Studies 8 (2015) Wang Wen 王雯. 2014. 夷坚志道教故事文化内涵研究—以儒道融合与世俗化为中 心. Beijing: Waiguoyu daxue. Wu Zhiyin 吴芝茵. 2014. 小琉球三隆宫壬辰年三朝醮之科仪与音乐研究. Taipei: Taiwan shifan daxue. Xie Tianya 叶添芽. 2014. 林昌桐与威远坛道教仪式音乐研究—以早朝科仪为对象. Taipei...
