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223 Publications Books Barrett, T. H. 2012. From Religious Ideology to Political Expediency in Early Printing: An Aspect of Buddho‑Daoist Rivalry. London: Minnow Press. Bumbacher, Stephan‑Peter. 2012. Empowered Writing: Exorcistic and Apotropaic Rituals in Medieval China. St. Petersburg, Fla.: Three Pines Press. Campany, Robert Ford. 2012. Signs from the Unseen Realm Buddhist Miracle Tales from Early Medieval China. University of Hawai’i Press. Despeux, Catherine. 2012. Taoïsme et connaissance de soi: La carte et la culture de la perfection (Xiuzhen tu). Paris: Guy Trédaniel. Farquhar, Judith. 2012. Ten Thousand Things: Nurturing Life in Contemporary Bei‑ jing. New York: Zone Books. Fava, Patrice. 2012. Aux partes du ciel. La statuaire taoïste du Hunan: Art et anthropologie de la Chine. Paris: Les Belles Lettres. Goossaert, Vincent. 2012. Livres de morale révélés par les dieux. Paris: Les Belles Lettres. _____, ed. 2012. Critical Readings on Religions of China. Leiden : Brill. Graziani, Romain. 2012. Ecrits de Maître Wang. Les quatre traités de l’Art de l’esprit. Paris: Les Belles Lettres. Huang, Shih‑shan Susan. 2012. Picturing the True Form: Daoist Visual Culture in Traditional China. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Asia Center Press. Kohn, Livia. 2012. A Source Book in Chinese Longevity. St. Petersburg, Fla.: Three Pines Press. Krahl, Regina, et al. 2011. Shipwrecked: Tang Treasures and Monsoon Winds. Wash‑ ington, D.C.: Smithsonian Books. Levi, Jean. 2012. Écrits de Maître Wen. Livre de la Pénétration du mystère. Paris: Les Belles Lettres. Louis, François, et al., ed. 2012. Antiquarianism and Intellectual Life in Europe and China, 1500‑1800. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press. 224 / Journal of Daoist Studies 6 (2013) Meyer, Andrew Seth. 2012. The Dao of the Military: Liu An’s Art of War. New York: Columbia University Press. Mou Zhongjian, ed. 2012. Taoism. Translated by Pan Junliang and Simone Nor‑ mand. Leiden: Brill. Palmer, David A., and Liu Xun, eds. 2012. Daoism in the 20th Century: Between Eternity and Modernity. Berkeley: University of California Press. Raz, Gil. 2012. The Emergence of Daoism: Creation of Tradition. London: Routledge. Reiter, Florian C., ed. 2012. Affiliation and Transmission in Daoism: a Berlin Sympo‑ sium. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz. Saso, Michael. 2012. Daoist Master Zhuang. 3rd ed. Contact mari@dupli‑ _____, ed. 2012 Gelu yuanke 給籙元科/ Daojiao yuanliu 道教源流 (Zhengyi Manu‑ als). CD / hardcopy. Contact: Wang, Liping, and Richard Liao. 2012. Ling Bao Tong Zhi Neng Nei Gong Shu. Cre‑ ate Space Independent Publishing Platform. Wang, Richard. 2012. The Ming Prince and Daoism: Institutional Patronage of an Elite. New York: Oxford University Press. Wang, Robin R. 2012. Yinyang: The Way of Heaven and Earth in Chinese Thought and Culture. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Wohlfart, Gunter. 2012. Philosophical Daoism: Zhuangzi‑Lectures 2005‑2012. www.guenter‑ /books/Free download. Wu, Hung. 2012. A Story of Ruins: Presence and Absence in Chinese Art and Visual Culture. Princeton: Princeton University Press. Yu, Jimmy. 2012. Sanctity and Self‑Inflicted Violence in Chinese Religions, 1500‑1700. New York: Oxford University Press. Forthcoming Herrou, Adeline. 2013. A World of Their Own: Monastics and Their Community in Contemporary China. St. Petersburg, Fla: Three Pines Press. Smith, Thomas E. 2013. Declarations of the Perfected: Part One: Setting Scripts and Images into Motion. St. Petersburg, Fla: Three Pines Press. News of the Field / 225 Articles Allinson, Robert E. 2012. “Snakes and Dragons, Rat’s Liver and Fly’s Leg: The Butterfly Dream Revisited.” Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 11.4:513‑ 26. Baptandier, Brigitte. 2012. “Du meurtre symbolique du père et de l’aspect insaisissable du présent.” Extrême Orient Extrême‑Occident 34:277‑311. _____. 2012. “Les mudra du Lüshan pai, le battement de la vie.” In Empreintes du tantrisme en Chine et en Asie orientale : Imaginaires, rituels, influences, edited by Vincent Durant‑Dastès, 99‑113. Brussels: Institut Belge des Hautes Études Chinoises. Bidlack, Bede Benjamin. 2012. “Alchemy and Martial Arts: Wang Yannian’s Gold Mountain Daoism.” Journal of Daoist Studies 5:117‑38. _____. 2012. “Divine Lives: Christ, Community, and Cosmos.” Studies in Interre‑ ligious Dialogue 22.2. Breuer, Felix. 2012. “Feldenkrais’s Spontaneous Action and...
