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221 Publications Books Bianchi, Ester. 2010. Le taoïsme. Fondements, courants, pratiques. Translated by To‑ daro Tradito. Paris: Hazan. Billeter, Jean‑François. 2010. Notes sur Tchouang‑Tseu et la philosophie. Paris: Allia. Bruyn, Pierre‑Henri. 2010. Le Wudang shan. Histoire des récits fondateurs. Paris: Indes savantes. Chan, Alan K. L. , and Keung Lo, Yuet, eds. 2010. Interpretation and Literature in Early Medieval China. Albany: State University of New York Press. Chan, Alan K. L. , and Keung Lo, Yuet, eds. 2010. Philosophy and Religion in Early Medieval China. Albany: State University of New York Press. Chao, Shin‑yi. 2010. Daoist Rituals, State Religion, and Popular Practices: Zhenwu Worship from Song to Ming (960‑1644). London: Routledge. Chau, Adam Yuet, ed. 2010. Religion in Contemporary China: Revitalization and In‑ novation. London: Routledge. Chia, Mantak, and Kris Deva North. 2010. Daoist Foreplay: Love Meridians and Pressure Points. Rochester, Vt.: Destiny Books. Chia, Mantak, and Kris Deva North. 2010. Daoist Shaman: Practices from the Wheel of Life. Rochester, Vt.: Destiny Books. Despeux, Catherine. 2010. Lao‑tseu. Le giuide de l’insondable. Paris: Entrelacs. Geoffroy‑Schneiter, Bérénice, Elisseeff, Danielle Mathieu, Rémi, and Arrault Alain, eds. 2010. La voie du Tao. Un autre chemin de l’être: [Exposition] Galeries nationales, Grand Palais 29 mars‑5 juillet 2010. Paris: Réunion des Musées Na‑ tionaux. Gesterkamp, Lennert, Klaas Ruitenbeck, and Ka Bo Tsang. 2010. Beyond Clouds and Waves: Daoist Paintings in the Royal Ontario Museum. Toronto: Royal On‑ tario Museum. Gesterkamp, Lennert. 2010. Heavenly Court: Daoist Temple Paintings in China. Lei‑ den: E. Brill. Goossaert, Vincent, and Gyss, Caroline. 2010. Le Taoïsme: La révélation continue, Paris: Gallimard. 222 / Journal of Daoist Studies 4 (2011) Jones, Stephen, 2010. In Search of the Folk Daoists of North China. Burlington, Vt.: Ashgate Publishing. Kohn, Livia. 2010. Daoist Dietetics: Food for Immortality. Dunedin, FL: Three Pines Press. Kohn, Livia. 2010. Sitting in Oblivion: The Heart of Daoist Meditation. Dunedin, FL: Three Pines Press. Lagerwey, John, and Peng Zhi Lü, eds. 2010. Early Chinese Religion. Part II: The Period of Division, 220‑589 AD. Leiden : E. Brill. Lagerwey, John, ed. 2009. Religion et société en Chine ancienne et médiévale. Paris: Cerf. Lagerwey, John. 2010. China: A Religious State. Hong‑Kong:Hong‑Kong Univer‑ sity Press. Larre, Claude. 2010. Tao‑te‑king. Paris: Desclée De Brouwer. Lauwaert, Françoise, ed. 2010. Les trois rêves du mandarin. Exhibition Catalogue. Bruxelles: Europalia International, Fonds Mercator, ING. Leidy, Denise P., and Donna K. Strahan. 2010. Wisdom Embodied: Chinese Buddhist and Daoist Sculpture in the Metropolitan Musem of Art. New Haven: Yale Uni‑ versity Press. Leonard, John. 2010. The Way of Poetry. Dunedin, FL: Three Pines Press. Lévi, Jean. 2009. Le Lao Tseu Suivi de Quatre canons de lʹempereur jaune. Paris: Albin Michel. Lévi, Jean. 2010. Les Œuvres de Maître Tchouang, édition révisée et augmentée. Paris: Encyclopédie des Nuisances, 2010. Mair, Victor H., ed. 2010 [1983]. Experimental Essays on Zhuangzi. Expanded edi‑ tion. Dunedin, FL: Three Pines Press. Major, John S., Sarah A. Queen, Andrew S. Meyer, and Harold D. Roth. 2010. The Huainanzi: A Guide to the Theory and Practice of Government in Early Han China. New York: Columbia University Press. Mitchell, Stephen. 2010. Le deuxième livre du Tao: Le rire de Tchouang‑Tseu. Trans‑ lated by Benoît Labayle and Célin Vuraler. Paris: Synchronique éditions. Nielson, Magnus. 2010. Chinese Fables: Satire in a Daoist Mode. S. I.: Authorhouse. Pregadio, Fabrizio. 2010. Taoist Tradition. London: Routledge. News of the Field / 223 Russell, Stephen. 2010. Supercharged Taoist: The Makings of a Barefoot Doctor. Carls‑ bad, Calif.: Hay House. Stalling, Jonathan. 2010. Poetics of Emptiness: Transformations of Asian Thought in American Poetry. New York: Fordham University Press. Towler, Solala. 2010. Cha Dao: The Way of Tea. London: Singing Dragon. Towler, Solala, 2010. The Inner Chapters of Chuang Tzu. London: Watkins. Wik, Stephan, and Leonie Linssen. 2010. Love Unlimited: The Joys and Challenges of Open Relationships. Forres, Scotland: Findhorn Press. Articles Allen, B. 2010. “The Virtual and the Vacant: Emptiness and Knowledge in Chan and Daoism.” Journal of Chinese Philosophy 37.3:457‑71. Arrault...

