In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Index to Volume 87

AAAG First Annual Student Diversity Award,” 135

Aché, 5–18

African American cemetery, 109–121

African Americans, 295–305

agent-based modeling, 141–149, 151–168, 169–192, 205–223

Alcantara, A., 5–18

Alu polymorphisms, 295–305

Amazonia, 5–18

American Association of Anthropological Genetics, 85–89, 134, 135, 283–284

ancestry, 338–351

ancient DNA, 19–28, 71–84

androstenone, 59–70

anemia, 39–58

anosmia, 59–70

archaeology, 169–192

Bader, A. C., 338–351

Baker, J. D., Jr., 5–18

Benn Torres, J., 306–312

Bhutta, M. F., 92–108

Bigham, A. W., 291–294

biology, 306–312

blood pressure, 295–305

Bolnick, D. A., 361–372

Boulter, A. C., 295–305

Brissenden, J. E., 73–91

Caramelli, D., 19–28

“Case Study on Ancestry Estimation in an Alaskan Native Family: Identity and Safeguards against Reductionism,” 338–351

Chalcolithic, 235–282

cognition, 205–223

“Combating Racial Health Disparities through Medical Education: The Need for Anthropological and Genetic Perspectives in Medical Training,” 361–372

Costopoulos, A., 205–223

Crema, E. R., 141–149, 151–168

Cucuteni–Trypillia, 235–282

Cui, Y., 71–84

cultural diffusion, 141–149

“A Cultural Diffusion Model for the Rise and Fall of Programming Languages,” 224–234

cultural evolution, 141–149, 224–234

“Cultural Incubators and Spread of Innovation,” 151–168

cultural transmission, 141–149, 151–168, 193–204, 205–223

culture, 306–312

dairying, 39–58

demic diffusion, 141–149

demographic turnaround, 5–18

diffusion, 141–149, 224–234

discrimination, 295–305

“Does Environmental Knowledge Inhibit Hominin Dispersal?,” 205–223

Dolukhanov, P., 235–282

Eaaswarkhanth, M., 373

Edge, M. D., 313–337

embodiment, 306–312

European agricultural revolution, 39–58

evolution, 92–108, 352–360

“Evolution and Otitis Media: A Review, and a Model to Explain High Prevalence in Indigenous Populations,” 92–108

“The Evolution of Tanning Needs Its Day in the Sun,” 352–360

evolutionary medicine, 361–372

Evsanaa, B., 73–91

facultative pigmentation, 352–360

Fort, J., 141–149

Friedlaender, F., 73–91

frontier, 122–131

Galabov, A., 19–28

“A General Model of the Relationship between the Apportionment of Human Genetic Diversity and the Apportionment of Human Phenotypic Diversity,” 313–337

“Genetic Admixture and Flavor Preferences: Androstenone Sensitivity in Malagasy Populations,” 59–70

“The Genetic Anthropologist’s Contribution to Understanding Race and Racial Health [End Page 378] Disparities,” 291–294

genetic differentiation, 313–337

genetic testing, 338–351

genetics, 109–121

Gokcumen, O., 373

Gravlee, C. C., 295–305

haplogroup, 19–28

haplotype, 19–28, 73–91

Harkins, K., 283–284

health disparities, 313–337, 361–372

HEAT Steering Committee, 295–305

Heath, K. M., 39–58

hemochromatosis, 39–58

“Hemochromatosis: Niche Construction and the Genetic Domino Effect in the European Neolithic,” 39–58

Henderson, K., 235–282

Hill, K., 5–18

hominin dispersal, 205–223

human dispersal, 169–192

human-environmental interaction, 205–223

human genetic variation, 361–372

Hunsinger, E., 5–18

Hurtado, A. M., 5–18

“Identification of Whole Mitochondrial Genomes from Venezuela and Implications on Regional Phylogenies in South America,” 29–38

identity, 338–351

indigenous, 5–18, 92–108

“Inference of Cultural Transmission Modes Based on Incomplete Information,” 193–204; erratum, 376

“Influence of Changes in Political Barriers and of Geographic Distance on Kinship Inferred from Surnames and Migration Data in Olivenza, Spain, and Surrounding Portuguese Areas,” 122–131

“Interaction of Alu Polymorphisms and Novel Measures of Discrimination in Association with Blood Pressure in African Americans Living in Tallahassee, Florida,” 295–305

isonymy surnames, 122–131

Justice, A., 283–284

Kandler, A., 193–204

Karachanak-Yankova, S., 19–28

Kemp, B. M., 109–121

Kennewick Man, 132–133

Kidd, J. R., 73–91

Kidd, K. K., 73–91

kinship, 71–84

lactase persistence, 39–58

Lake, M. W., 151–168

Lari, M., 19–28

Lee, E. J., 29–38

Letellier, T., 59–70

Lewis, C. M., Jr., 109–121

Li, C., 71–84

Li, H., 71–84

Li, Z., 71–84

“Low Mitochondrial DNA Diversity in an Ancient Population from China: Insight into Social Organization at the Fujia Site,” 71–84

Luan, F., 71–84

Madagascar, 59–70

Madella, M., 141–149

Malhi, R. S., 71–84, 338–351

