In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Baum
  • Ho-Yeol Ryu

Ho-Yeol Ryu uses the computer to present situations or phenomena that are seemingly impossible within reality. He alters reality to recreate daily life from another perspective. Many impossible things are made possible by computers. In the work Baum, a pale tree standing in front of an artificial background makes sound by flapping in the wind, which blows from somewhere, providing a sense of movement between reality and fiction through the use of a fictional video image of tree and wind. Ryu builds the landscape of a new world through the reconstruction of objects existing in reality.

Ho-Yeol Ryu
Email: <>.

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Ho-Yeol Ryu, Baum, HD video, 44100 Hz, 16-bit stereo, 3 min, 2014.

(© Ho-Yeol Ryu)

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Ho-Yeol Ryu
Email: <>.

