In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • The King’s English
  • Brian Johnson (bio)

King’s English, Brian Johnson, Poetry

Flasks is harder to say than Roman à Clef. Binge is hard,Relevé soft. One is easier to write than Another.

Bread is easier to say than Nomina, Nighttime easier than Interregnum.Constantinople is harder to say than Lincoln.

Lost is harder to write than Dynamics of the Plain, Hosewater harder than Rain.Abracadabra is easier than Defenestration.

Redoubling is much easier to say than Parting. Partway is easier to write than Parting.Arthuriana in all ways easier than Parting.

Injured is harder to write than Incarnadine. Rose of Sharon is easier to say than Turtlehead.Past is softer than Passed. [End Page 403]

Brian Johnson

brian johnson is the author of Torch Lake and Other Poems, a finalist for the Norma Farber First Book Award, and Site Visits, a collaborative work with the German painter Burghard Miller-Dannhausen. He is the recipient of two Connecticut Commission on the Arts Fellowships and former editor of Sentence: A Journal of Prose Poetics. His work has appeared or is forthcoming in American Letters and Commentary, Connecticut Review, West Branch, Interiors, and other journals.


