Russell Sage Foundation
Table 2. A Political Profile of LINES and ANES Latinos Source: Authors’ compilation based on ANES 2012, . Note: All numbers other than scales in percentages. LINES data is weighted to the ACS 2012 foreignborn population; weights for the ANES were developed to match the entire U.S. population. Numbers for the ANES are not dramatically different with and without weights.
Table 2.

A Political Profile of LINES and ANES Latinos

Source: Authors’ compilation based on ANES 2012, McCann and Jones-Correa 2012.

Note: All numbers other than scales in percentages. LINES data is weighted to the ACS 2012 foreignborn population; weights for the ANES were developed to match the entire U.S. population. Numbers for the ANES are not dramatically different with and without weights.

Direct correspondence to: Leonie Huddy at, Department of Political Science, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY 11794; Lilliana Mason at, 3140 Tydings Hall, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742; and S. Nechama Horwitz at, Department of Political Science, Stony Brook University, Social and Behavioral Sciences Building, 7th Floor, Stony Brook, NY 11794.
