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RECENT PUBLICATIONS RELATING TO CANADA PREPAREDIN THE EDITORIAL OFFICE OF THE UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO PRESS BY CONSTANCE PATTULLO Noticein thisbibliography doesnotpreclude a laterandmoreextended review. Theœollowing abbreviations areused:B.R.H.--Bulletin desrecherches historiques; C.H.R.-CanadianHistorical Review;C.I.E.P.S.-Canadian Iournalo) • Economics and Political Science; R.H.A.F.-Revue d'histoire del'Am•rique franfaise. See alsoCanadiana, a monthlylist oœCanadianpublications preparedby the NationalLibrary,Ottawa,and,in the University of TorontoQuarterly,"Lettersin Canada," published intheJulyissue. I. CANADA'S RELATIONS WITHIN THE COMMONWEALTH BLOOD, HIL•ltY. FromEmpireto Commonwealth (Listener,LVII (1469), May 23, 1957,817). The growth of the Colonial Society, founded in 1868,intothe Royal EmpireSociety. Commonwealth and the Crisis(RoundTable,no. 186, March, 1957, 114-20). The rights andresponsibilities of consultation, in thelightof theSuezcrisis. CoP•, SirDouc•s. TheCommonwealth of Nations asa LivingOrganism (South AtlanticQuarterly, LIV (4), Oct.,1955,443-52). GuT•m•g•., W. F. Commonwealth Diplomacy(English-Speaking Union,XXXIX (1), Jan.,1957,22-6). JAx•.s, F. CYmL.TheFutureoftheEmpire(Canadian Military]ournal, XXIII (7-8), March-April, 1957,14-17). MAcKrubY, K. A. OntheWritingof ImperialHistory(Quee•'sQuarterly, LXIV (1), spring,1957,122-9). A reviewarticle. O'CONN•.LL, D.P. The Crownin the BritishCommonwealth (Internationaland Comparative LawQuarterly, VI (1), Jan.,1957,10g-25). SI-mPPERSON, W. S. British Emigration toNorthAmerica: Projects andOpinions in the Early Victorian Period.Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press[Toronto: Thomas AllenLimited].1957.Pp.xvi,302,illus.$5.40. VAN STEEN, Mucus. The Atlantic Provinces' Stake in West Indies Federation (Atlantic Advocate, XLVII (9), June, 1957,78-8). II. CANADA'S INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS BROWN, GEORCE W. The "Atlantic Alliance" in Perspective (International lournal, XII (2), spring, 1957,79-82). CoImN, MXXWELL. A NewResponsibility inForeign Policy (Saturday Night,72 (2), Jan.19, 1957,5, 6, 28). Canada's emergence as an international leader,and a summary ofthetenets ofCanada's foreign policy. NATO'AnAlliance Seeking aReason (Saturday Night,72 (10), May11,1957, 12-18, 89-40). EAYRS, J•.s. Canadian PolicyandOpinion duringthe SuezCrisis(International Iournal, XlI (2), spring, 1957,97-108). FEmeUSON, GEOrgE. Canadaand the "AtlanticAlliance"(InternationalIournal, XII (2), spring, 1957,88-9). F•,x-xs,O•aVER. The Crisis in theMiddleEast(EnglisheSpeaking Union,XXXIX (1), Jan.,1957, 12-15). The effectof the crisison the relations of Britain,the Commonwealth,and the United States. 265 266 THE CANADIAN HISTORICAL REVIEW , N•r, ARCHmALD. Some Impressions of Canada (UnitedEmpire, XLVIII (2), MarchApril , 1957,55-9). "Theposition of Canada. . . asan international powerand the factors which influence her status." Parma, ALBrRT.Russia's NewLookat Canada (QueensQuarterly, LXIV (1), spring, 1957, 27-40). The authorhas assembled somecomments on Canadafrom various Soviet publications. Pxoa•aowsEI, G. La Structure f6d&ativedel'6tatdansla jurisprudence canadienne en mati•rededroitinternational public(Journal dudroitinternational, LXXXIII (4), oct.-dec. 1956, 824-85 ). ROCERS, ForamST L. AmericanGoodsin CanadianMarkets.Under the auspices of the CanadianInstituteof InternationalAffairs. Contemporary Affairs,no. 26. Toronto:The Ryerson Press. 1957.Pp. ii, 37. $1.25.To be reviewed later. Sowara), F. H. and McINNxs, EDcaR, with the assistanceof WALTER O'HE•mN. Canada andtheUnitedNations. Prepared fortheCanadian Institute of International Affairsandthe Carnegie Endowment for International Peace;NationalStudies on International Organization. NewYork:Manhattan Publishing Company [Toronto: TheRyerson Press]. 1956. Pp.xii,285.$3.75. Tobereviewed later. III. IllSTORY OF CANADA (1) GeneralHistory British American BankNoteCompany Limited.NinetyYears of Security Printing: TheStory ofBritish American BankNoteCompany Limited, 1866-1956. Ottawa: TheCompany, 975Gladstone Ave.1956. Pp.25,illus. Canadian Catholic Historical Association. Report, I956. Ottawa.1957.Pp.150.Papers relating toCanada arelisted separately inthisbibliography. Ma•o, A. B. Ma]orityRuleandthe Constitution in Canadaandthe UnitedStates (Western Political Quarterly, X ( 1), March,1957,49-62). Mtrr, sa•, E. G. D., ed. StudiaVaria:RoyalSociety of Canada, LiteraryandScientific Papers. Toronto:University of TorontoPress.1957.Pp. viii, 127. $4.00.Articles of historical interest arelistedseparately in thisbibliography. WaL•,acr.,E•,xsaBET•.GoldwinSmith:VictorianLiberal.Toronto:University of Toronto Press. 1957.Pp.xii,297,illus.$5.00.To be reviewed later. WILSOn,C•rrora), ed. Northern Treasury:Selections from the Beaver.With an Introduction by LEo•ara) W. BRoc•:x•cwo•. Toronto:ThomasNelson& Sons (Canada) Limited.1957.Pp. xi, 238, illus. $3.50.Historical sketches from the Hudson's BayCompany magazine. W•, Mason. The Useof Newspapers in Historical Research (Canadian Library Association...

