In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Books Received
Arrellano, Jerónimo. Magical Realism and the History of Emotions in Latin America. Lewisburg: Bucknell UP, 2015. Print.
Beilin, Katarzyna Olga. In Search of an Alternative Biopolitics: Anti-Bull-Fighting, Animality, and the Environment in Contemporary Spain. Columbus: Ohio State UP, 2015. Print.
Blanco, Fernando A. Neoliberal Bonds: Undoing Memory in Chilean Art and Literature. Columbus: Ohio State UP, 2015. Print.
Brown, Joan L., ed. Approaches to Teaching the Works of Carmen Martín Gaite. New York: MLA, 2013. Print.
Byrne, Susan. Ficino in Spain. Toronto: U of Toronto P, 2015. Print.
Fuchs, Barbara, and Emily Weissbourd. Representing Imperial Rivalry in the Early Modern Mediterranean. Los Angeles: U of Toronto P and UCLA Center for 17th & 18th-Century Studies, 2015. Print.
González Echeverría, Roberto. Cervantes’ Don Quixote. New Haven: Yale UP, 2015. Print.
Hatfield, Charles. The Limits of Identity: Politics and Poetics in Latin America. Austin: U of Texas P, 2015. Print.
Jiménez, Juan Ramón. Vida. Volumen 1: Días de mi vida. Reconstrucción, estudio y notas, Mercedes Juliá y M.a Ángeles Sanz Manzano. Madrid: Pre-Textos, 2014. Print.
King, Edward. Virtual Orientalism in Brazilian Culture. New York: Palgrave MacMillan, 2015. Print.
Moreno-Caballud, Luis. Cultures of Anyone: Studies on Cultural Democratization in the Spanish Neoliberal Crisis. Trans. Linda Grabner. Liverpool: Liverpool UP, 2015. Print.
Peral Vega, Emilio. Pierrot / Lorca: White Carnival of Black Desire. Woodbridge: Tamesis, 2015. Print.
Riofrio, John D. “Rio.” Continental Shifts: Migration, Representation, and the Struggle for Justice in Latin(o) America. Austin: U of Texas P, 2015. Print.
Rodríguez Freire, Raúl. Sin retorno: variaciones sobre archivo y narrativa latinoamericana. Adrogué: Ediciones La Cebra, 2015. Print.
Russek, Dan. Textual Exposures: Photography in Twentieth-Century Spanish American Narrative Fiction. Calgary: U of Calgary P, 2015. Print.
Sperber, Richard. The Discourse of Flanerie in Antonio Muñoz Molina’s Texts. Lewisburg: Bucknell UP, 2015. Print.
Soufas, C. Christopher, Jr. Subject, Structure, and Imagination in the Spanish Discourse on Modernity. New York: Palgrave MacMillan, 2015. Print. [End Page 569]
Vélez-Sáinz, Julio. La defensa de la mujer en la literatura hispánica: siglos XV-XVII. Madrid: Cátedra, 2015. Print.
Verdaguer, Jacint. Mount Canigó: A Tale of Catalonia. Intro. and trans. Ronald Puppo. Barcelona / Woodbridge: Barcino – Tamesis, 2015. Print. [End Page 570]

