In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Recently Published Works in Holocaust and Genocide Studies

Most of the entries in this bibliography were catalogued in the Online Computer Library Center (OCLC) database between August 1, 2015 and November 30, 2015. This search is based largely on pre-publication information; titles may have been changed or cancelled.

Reference Works and Catalogs

Artel, Rael. Minu Poola: Maletamisest ja unustamisest 07.02.–29.03.2015. Tartu, Estonia: Tartu Art Museum, 2015. 32 pp., ill. Holocaust, art, exhibitions.
Bak, Samuel. Beholding After: Samuel Bak’s Art of H·O·P·E. Boston: Pucker Gallery, 2015. 38 pp., ill.
Bartrop, Paul R., and Steven Leonard Jacobs, eds. Modern Genocide: The Definitive Resource and Document Collection. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO, 2015. xxxvi + 1115 pp., ill.
Brebeck, Wulff E. Endtime Warriors: Ideology and Terror of the SS (catalog accompanying the permanent exhibition “Ideology and Terror of the SS” at the Wewelsburg 1933–1945 Memorial Museum of the Kreismuseum Wewelsburg). Munich: Dt. Kunstverlag, 2015. 464 pp., ill., bibl.
Brown-Fleming, Suzanne, ed. Nazi Persecution and Postwar Repercussions: The International Tracing Service Archive and Holocaust Research. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield in association with the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, 2016. 306 pp., bibl., ind.
Brule, David. Looking for Judah: Adventures in Genealogy and Remembrance: Stories of Ancestry, Place, and Race. Bradenton, FL: BookLocker, 2015. xv + 176 pp.,. ill.
Dreyfus, Jean-Marc. Le catalogue Goering. Paris: Flammarion, 2015. 600 pp., ill., bibl. Art, private collections, Germany, catalogs.
Noche y niebla espanoles en Mauthausen = Nacht und Nebel: Spanier in Mauthausen. Katalog zur Ausstellung des Instituts für Romanistik unter Beteiligung von Spanischstudierenden. Graz, Austria: Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz, Institut für Romanistik, 2015. 62 pp., ill., bibl.
Radziszewska, Krystyna, ed. Encyklopedia getta: Niedokończony projekt archiwistów z getta łódzkiego. Łódź: Uniwersytet Łódzkiego, 2014. xlii + 332 pp., ill., Łódź ghetto.
Rudnick, Carola S. Den Opfern ein Gesicht, den Namen wieder geben: Zwölf Lebensgeschichten von Kindern und Jugendlichen der Lüneburger “Euthanasie”: Katalog zur Sonderausstellung. Lüneburg, Germany: Landeszeitung fur die Lüneburger Heide, 2014. 144, pp., ill. “Euthanasia.”
Tomisová, Eva, ed. Encyklopédia židovských náboženských obcí: Register miest a obcí (1.–4.zväzok). Bratislava: SNM - Múzeum židovskej kultúry, 2015. 23 pp. Czechoslovakia, encyclopedias.
Williams, Max. SS Elite: The Senior Leaders of Hitler’s Praetorian Guard. Volume 1 (A-J). Oxford, UK: Fonthill Media, 2015. 448 pp., ill., bibl.

The Holocaust and Other Nazi-Era Crimes

Afridi, Mehnaz Mona. Shoah through Muslim Eyes. Brighton, MA: Academic Studies Press, 2015. 275 pp.
Agafonov, S.V. Istoriia ne obmanyvaet: Kontslager’ na territorii sovkhoza “Krasnyi.” Moscow: OLMA Media Grup, 2014. 174 pp., ill., bibl. Ukraine, Crimea, prisoners and prisons. [End Page 161]
Aly, Götz, and Klaus-Peter Friedrich, eds. Die Verfolgung und Ermordung der europäischen Juden durch das nationalsozialistische Deutschland, 1933–1945. vol. 9: Polen: Generalgouvernement, August 1941–1945. Munich: Oldenbourg, 2014. 878 pp., bibl., ind.
Aly, Götz. Obciazeni: “Eutanazja” w nazistowskich Niemczech. Wołowiec, Poland: Czarne, 2015. 323 pp., ill. Nazism and medicine.
Angrick, Andrej, Martin Cüppers, Klaus-Michael Mallmann, and Jürgen Matthäus, eds. Deutsche Berichte aus dem Osten: Dokumente der Einsatzgruppen in der Sowjetunion III. Darmstadt, Germany: WBG, 2014. 891 pp., ill., bibl., ind. Holocaust, Soviet Union, sources.
Antonucci, Silvia Haia, and Giuliana Piperno Beer. Sapere ed essere nella Roma razzista: Gli Ebrei nelle scuole e nell’università (1938–1943). Rome: Gangemi editore, 2015. 127 pp., ill., bibl., ind. Racism, Fascism and education, Italy.
Arcuri, Camillo. Il sangue degli Einstein italiani: Il silenzio sulla strage dei famigliari del grande scienziato. Milan: Mursia, 2015. 154 pp., ill. Atrocities, Italy, Rignano sull’Arno.
Bartuś, Alicja. Kobiety wojny: Między zbrodnia a krzykiem o godność. Oświęcim, Poland: Fundacja na Rzecz Międzynarodowego Domu Spotkań Młodziezy, 2014. 294 pp. Jewish women in the Holocaust.
Bath, Matthias. Der SD in Dänemark 1940–1945: Heydrichs Elite und der “Gegenterror.” Berlin: Patrick Neuhaus, 2015. 164 pp., bibl.
Behrens, Annette, Christophe Busch, and Raymond Frenken. (In Matters of) Karl. Amsterdam: Fw: Books, 2015. 128 pp.
Belassène, Alain. Etre juif sous l’occupation en Côte-d’Or et en Bourgogne. Viévy, France: l’Escargot Savant, 2015...

