In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Introduction

This issue of the Bulletin features the debut of our Pedagogy section, which will appear twice a year, alternating with the journal’s existing section on Digital Media and Humanities. The editors created this feature in response to the desire of our Board Members and readers who expressed an interest in having a place to share approaches to and experiences of teaching the history of medicine in diverse classrooms. In this issue Dominique Tobbell and Lois Hendrickson discuss their collaborative approach to using primary sources in the undergraduate classroom.

The Pedagogy section is only one piece of the pedagogy initiative, however. The editors are also pleased to announce the launch of our pedagogy blog, Recommended Dose ( Our hope is that the blog will serve as an interactive place for the teaching community to share what has worked in their classrooms. The editors are grateful to Kathleen Crowther for spearheading the blog portion of the pedagogy initiative.

The final part of the Bulletin’s pedagogy initiative is the hosting of an updated syllabus archive, located at We hope our readers who teach in colleges, universities, and medical schools will consider sharing their syllabi so that we can continue to build this valuable resource.

We are excited to launch this initiative, which relies on active engagement from our readership. Please contact us at the editorial office ( with any questions or ideas.

The Editors


