In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

754 The Canadian Historical Review The Northwest Territories, Nunavut, the Yukon, and the Arctic ADAMS, AMY. Arctic and Inuit Photography Part One: An Accurate Representation ofthe World? Inuit Art Quarterly rs (2) (2ooo): 4-16 GOMBAY, NICOLE. The Politics ofCulture: Gender Parity in the Legislative Assembly of Nunavut. Etudes Inuit Studies 24 (r) (2ooo): r2s-48 HELM, JUNE. The People ofDenendeh: Ethnohistory ofthe Indians ofCanada's Northwest Territories. Montreal and Kingston: MeGill-Queen's University Press 2000. Pp. 432ยท $6o.oo MCGHEE, ROBERT. Prehistoric Arctic Peoples and Their Art. Inuit Art Quarterly 14 (4) (1999): 12-19 NEALE, STACEY. Rankin Inlet Ceramics Part One: A Study in Development and Influence. Inuit Art Quarterly 14 (r) (1999): 4-17 - Rankin Inlet Ceramics: The Quest for Authenticity and Market Share. Inuit Art Quarterly 14 (2) (1999): 6-17 SANDLOS, JOHN, and YOLANDA WIERSMA. Ghost Town: Remembering Pine Point. The Beaver 8o (2) (2ooo): r6-2r WATT, ROBERT. Nunavik. Cap-aux-Diamants S6 (1999): 10-14 WATT, VIRGINIA. The Beginning: The Story ofthe Birth ofthe Inuit Carving Industry so Years Ago. Inuit Art Quarterly 14 (3) (1999): 6-r6 CORRECTIONS In the June 2000 (81: 2) issue, an incorrect date appears in Steve Hewitt's article, '"Information Believed True": RCMP Security Intelligence Activities on Canadian University Campuses and the Controversy Surrounding Them, 1961-71.' In the abstract on page 342 and in footnote 7 on page 193, the date of the Asia Pacific Economic Conference should be 1997. In the September 2000 (81: 3) issue, the full title ofT.D. Regehr's book review on page 512 should be Small Moments in Time: The Story ofAlberta's Big West Country: Upper North Saskatchewan River Corridor, Shunda Basin, Brazeau Collieries and Nordegg. ...

