In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

- 101 SOURCE MATERIALS FROM RECENT PUBLICATIONS FROM THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA David Paure Chinese University of Hong Kong Not so long ago, some of us in Hong Kong used to "buy just about every title published in the People's Republic of China that was related to historical research and available in local bookshops. Now we have to be more selective because so many new titles are appearing. From the point of view of research on the Ch'ing dynasty, it is heartening that this period seems to be one of the foci of current publications. Research on the Republican period, another focal point in China's research program, will also bring into print a considerable amount of material on the late Ch'ing. Already in the bookshops are some volumes that will be very useful: Ch'i Ssu—ho l l f , Lin Shu-hui M m T’ien Ju-k'ang $ , Chin Chung-ytlan \ 1 4 . , Ti-erh tz'u ya-p'ien chan-cheng ^ (Shanghai: Shanghai jen-min, 1978), six volumes. T'ai-p'ing t'ien-kuo shih-liao chuan-chi supplement to Chung-hua wen-shih lun-ts'ung t (Shanghai: Shanghai ku-chi, 1979)- - 102 T 'ai-p'ing t'ien-kuo li-shih po-wu-kuan ^ %.® Jf c ^ $o ’ T 'ai-P'ing t'ien-kuo wen-shu hui-pjen A % A l® i.l| ^ .$A) (Peking: Chung-hua, 1979). Kuang-tung sheng wen-shih yen-chiu-kuan M t & K K wfiii San-yhan-li jen-min k'ang-Ying tou-cheng shih-liao X (Peking: Chung-hua, revised 1978). T'ai-p'ing t'ien-kuo ko-ming shih-ch'i Kuang-hsi nung-min oh'i-i tzu-liao pien-ohi-tsu A. ® A J| ^ £. ^ £iL , T'ai-p'ing t'ien-kuo ko-ming shih-chi Kuang-hsi nung-min ch'i-i tzu-liao A -f 3L if ^ '| > M ^ two volumes. T'ai-p'ing t'ien-kuo li-shih po-wu-kuan A ? * i f lJ i .£ t !§^ T'ai-p'ing t'ien-kuo tzu-liao hui-pien A f% $ f! ) •$ Volume 2 (Peking: Chung-hua, 1979), two volumes. Ku-kung po-wu-yllan Ming-Ch'ing tang-an-pu ‘ iS. t t $ ft,°A A " i . Ch'ing-tai tang-an shih-liao ts'ungEien % K 4 S I- £ . * t S. M l (Peking: Chung-hua, 1978- ), four volumes so far. Chung-kuo she-hui k'o-hsUeh-yflan chin-tai-shih yen-ohiu-so chin-tai-shih tzu-liao pien-chi-tsu f S H two volumes. Ch'U-fu hsien wen-kuan-hui A. 41 , Ch'tt-fu K'ung-fu tang-an shih-liao hsttan-pien db * 4 I A * Part 1 (Shantung: Ch'i-lu, I98O), two volumes. The collection on the Second Opium War was ready for press in 1971, hut publication was delayed. The cotton industry volume, completed in 1966, was first published for internal circulation in 1978 before it became openly available. The San-yUan-li volume was first published in 1959, but was apparently not available - 105 outside China. Parts 1 and 2 of the H s i n - h a i s h i h - l u n volu m e s w e r e p r e v i o u s l y p u b l i s h e d in I960 and 1963 r e s p e c tively, but Part 3 was f i r s t publ i s h e d in 1978. I u n d e r s t a n d that chttan 1 of the M a n - t 'ieh-shih tzu- l i a o has not y e t b e e n published, and I h a v e not yet d i s c o v e r e d w h a t v o l u m e 1 of the T ' a i - p ' i n g t ' i e n - k u o t z u - l i a o huip i e n i s . M o s t of t hese v...

