
Bien que les Shipibo-Konibo d’Amazonie péruvienne aient subi le prosélytisme des religions chrétiennes pendant près de quatre siècles, leurs pratiques chamaniques ont toujours persisté, parfois de façon souterraine. Comme le souligne Thomas DuBois (2009:233) « The persistence of shamans and shamanic traditions within communities experiencing concerted missionization is a sign of the power and resilience of shamanic belief systems in general ». Quels impacts ont eu les différentes religions chrétiennes sur les pratiques chamaniques shipibo-konibo ? quelles transformations et quelles adaptations ce phénomène de résilience a-t-il entrainé ?


Although the Shipibo-Konibo of the Peruvian Amazonia have been subjected to the proselytism of Christian religions for close to four centuries, their shamanic practices have endured, sometimes in an underground manner. As Thomas DuBois (2009:233) emphasizes, “the persistence of shamans and shamanic traditions within communities experiencing concerted missionization is a sign of the power and resilience of shamanic belief systems in general.” What impact have the different Christian religions had on the shamanic practices of the Shipibo-Konibo? And what kinds of transformations and adaptations have been brought about by this process of resilience?

