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© 1999 ISAST LEONARDO, Vol. 32, No. 1, pp. 75–76, 1999 75 LEONARDO ON-LINE BIBLIOGRAPHIES The Leonardo Bibliography Project (http:// isast/spec.projects/biblios.html) places bibliographies of interest to our art/science/ technology audience on Leonardo On-Line, the Leonardo WWW Site. Types of bibliographies include reading lists for classes and courses of interest to educators; detailed bibliographies on specialized topics (e.g. Art and Biology); bibliographies of single authors of interest to our readership (e.g. Rudolf Arnheim). Readers interested in publishing a bibliography on Leonardo On-Line should contact the Leonardo Editorial Office with a description of the bibliography. If the bibliography is already available on-line, send us a description and we will point to the bibliography, if appropriate. SYNESTHESIA IN THE ARTS AND IN PSYCHOLOGICAL RESEARCH Leonardo/isast/spec.projects/ synesthesiabib.html Compiled by Crétien van Campen (E-mail: ) and Greta Berman (E-mail: ). Psychologists have identified synesthesia as a specific condition that occurs when an individual who receives a stimulus in one sense modality simultaneously experiences a sensation in another . In the last two centuries, the subject has aroused the interest of many artists and scientists. The existence of synesthesia seems at odds with the common -sense worldview of five separate senses that channel impressions to our minds. Intrigued by this apparent anomaly of the senses, artists and psychologists have experimented with synesthesia in order to reveal how the senses are interrelated. This bibliography contains a list of references to literature on these explorations and experiments by visual artists, musicians, writers, psychologists, neurologists (and other scientists) into the strange phenomenon of synesthesia. The bibliography also includes a number of links to Web sites on the topic. BRAZILIAN ELECTRONIC ART Leonardo/isast/spec.projects/ brazilbib.html Compiled by Eduardo Kac. E-mail: . The Brazilian Electronic Art bibliography is part of the Leonardo special project entitled “A Radical Intervention : The Brazilian Contribution to the International Electronic Art Movement ,” guest-edited by Eduardo Kac. The project consists of a wealth of information in the form of a gallery, chronologies and a series of articles published in various issues of Leonardo and/ or on Leonardo On-Line. The artists, scholars, critics and theorists whose work is represented in this bibliography share an interest in the exploration of contemporary issues in art through the use of new technologies—e.g. digital photographs, CD-ROMs, experimental telecommunications events and interactive installations. The artworks covered in the citations range from personal journeys to reflections on larger social issues and the impact of new media in our lives. THE VISUAL ARTS AND THE NATURAL SCIENCES IN HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE: AN ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY Leonardo/isast/spec.projects/ art&sciencebib.html Compiled by David Topper. E-mail: . This bibliography has a clear and simple aim: to provide the reader/researcher with an annotated list of some of the best scholarship in English on the subject of the historical interrelationship and interaction between the visual arts and the natural sciences. (Excluded from this bibliography is material that is sometimes grouped under the more general heading “Art & Science ,” such as matters pertaining to technology, medicine, literature, music, psychology [e.g. psychoanalysis and creativity], as well as the wealth of material on perspective, the camera obscura, photography, and the Golden Section (although a few are mentioned ) and the huge volume of writings on Leonardo da Vinci. Also excluded is material on contemporary art, since much of this has been covered in Leonardo since its inception in 1968 [1].) In addition to being annotated, the Visual Arts and the Natural Sciences in Historical Perspective Bibliography includes cross-listings of citations with similar themes. Its focus is mainly on writings that posit direct and often specific historical instances and relationships , rather than on those covering general philosophical or methodological matters. Such a focus betrays the compiler’s slant on art/science historiography : that the most genuine historical work entails a real causal link between art and science (with concrete evidence), rather than an appeal to some nebulous “spirit of the times” or a zeitgeist [2...

