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c o n s t r u c t i o n are of different sizes, although they are in pairs. Basically, it is a trapezoid. Each pair is cut differently, which enabled me to bend the object like an arch. AJi, a result of its spatial, mirror-like structure, the construction concentrates within itself all the objects of its surrounding space-sky, forest, water, grass, earth. Furthermore, this occurs in such a way that the entire environment coexists totally and simultaneously within the construction itself. In this sense, the structure is an artifact. The artifact presented within this construction occurs, as in a photograph , within a single moment, which is important for the concept of the artifact . This moment paradoxically lasts just as long as the moment recorded in a photograph. However, it is enough to turn one's head or step to one side to see a new, unpredictable, momentary image. In this way, the constructed object has great potential. It has the universal capability of becoming an artifact from any viewpoint of its surrounding space. In this capacity, it approaches the denotation of a metaphysical object, a kind of "mandala" implemented with the help of contemporary technologies. Herein lies the sign of new technological possibilities-which include the grandiose construction of the RheinMain -Dounan Canal. References and Notes 1. The 13 artists were Franz Bernhard, Max Bill, Marinus Boezern, Karl Prantl, Dusan Dzamonja, Erich Hauser, Francisco Infante, Piotr Kowolski, Ivan Kafka, Imre Makovecz, Nils Udo, Piet Siegers and Hannsjorg Voth. 2. See ArtefakteFrancisco Infante, exh, cat. (Ludwigshafen, Germany: Wilhelm-Hack-Museum, 1989); and ArtefaktyF.Infante. Varianty. (Artifacts of F. Infante. Variations.), exh. cat. (Moscow: 1990); and also Francisco Infante, "Projects for the Reconstruction ofthe Firmament," Leonardo 25, No. I (1992) p. I I. MAGICAL KALEIDOPHONY Kamil N. Gimazutdinov and Rustem F. Saifullin, Kazan State Technical University (KGTU), SKB "Prometei," K. Marks Str., 10, Kazan 420111, Russia. Received 7December 1992. Many years of experimentation at SKB "Prometei" in the area of light-musical performance made possible the creation of the light-dynamic composition MagicalKaleidophony. This composition utilizes Kaleidophon projectors that Fig. 2. Kamil N. Gimazutdinov and Rustem F. Saifullin, Magical Kaleidophony, lightmusical performance , 1992. The Kaleidophon-36 projector is shown at the center of some of its light effects. project images continuously on one or more sides of a I.5-x- I.5-m cube [I]. The sides of the cube act as semitransparent rear screens (Fig. 2). During the creation of Magical Kaleidophony we used the Kaleidophon36 projector, which has a high level of complexity. We would like to briefly describe the principle of its operation. Light, emitted by a lamp, travels through a disc cassette with two round slides that rotate in opposite directions to one another. In addition, light travels to kaleidoscopic "packings" of tubes with smooth polyhedra mounted inside them. The number of sides of the polyhedra can be from n = 3 to n = 00 (infinity , in which case the smooth side degenerates into a cylindrical one). The light travels through an objective lens and falls on additional packingsmultiprisms or cylindrical (anamorphic ) lenses-and then is projected onto a screen. There are six such optical channels (as described above) in our unit and only one general light source. Now let us consider the unit's construction. Six disc cassettes are installed in the disc, and if necessary, the light-artist can move these cassettes into a "translucent zone" by pressing a button on the control panel. The six kaleidoscopic tubes, fixed in a ring mount, and six lens packings can be changed through an electrical signal. The slides placed in the disc cassettes can project both abstract and real images . Instead of slides, one can also use stencils with different holes, textured transparent material, liquid, etc. The speed of rotation of the disc cassettes (i.e, the slides), the speed of the kaleidoscopic tubes and the speed of the packings can be selected, changed and reversed according to the lightartist 's whim. The number of possible combinations of effects is 6 x 6 x 6 = 216, but since the disc cassettes with slides can be changed manually during performance without interrupting the process...

