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  • Books available for review Livres disponibles (comptes rendus)June/juin 2015–July/juillet 2016

Reviews are normally 1000–1500 words in length, to be submitted electronically within three months following receipt of the book. To request a book or to obtain the guidelines for submission, please contact Heather Newell, book review editor (

Les comptes rendus, d’une longueur de 1000 à 1500 mots, doivent être soumis par courriel dans les trois mois suivant la réception du livre. Pour demander un livre ou obtenir le protocole de soumission, veuillez contacter Heather Newell, éditeur des comptes rendus (

Anscombre, Jean-Claude, Evelyne Opperman-Marsaux et Amalia Rodríguez Somolinos, éds. 2014. Médiative, polyphonie, et modalité en français : Études synchroniques et diachroniques. Paris: Presses Sorbonne Nouvelle. Pp. 266, EU €18.00 (broché).
Arrighi, Laurence and Matthieu LeBlanc. 2014. La francophonie en Acadie : Dynamiques sociales et langagières. Textes en hommage à Louise Péronnet. Sudbury: Éditions Prise de parole. CAN $33.95 (broché)
Barendregt, Henk, Wil Dekkers, and Richard Statman, eds. 2013. Lambda calculus with types. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Pp. xxii + 833, US $90.00 (hardcover).
Barnbrook, Geoff, Oliver Mason, and Ramesh Krisnamurthy. 2013. Collocation: Applications and implications. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. Pp. ix + 254. US $30.00 (softcover).
Beck, David and Thom Hess. 2014. Tellings from Our Elders: Lushootseed syeyehub, vol. 1. Snohomish Texts. Vancouver: UBC Press. CAN$165.00 (hardcover).
Beck, David and Thom Hess. 2015. Tellings from Our Elders: Lushootseed syeyehub, vol. 2. Snohomish Texts. Vancouver: UBC Press. CAN$165.00 (hardcover).
Bickerton, David. 2014. More than nature needs: Language, mind, and evolution. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. US $35.00 (hardcover).
Biloa, Edmond. 2013. The syntax of Tuki: A cartographic approach. In the series Linguistik Aktuell/Linguistics today 203. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. Pp. xix + 611. US $195.00 (hardcover).
Birner, Betty J. 2013. Introduction to Pragmatics. In the series Blackwell textbooks in linguistics. Malden, MA/Oxford: Wiley–Blackwell. Pp. xiii + 326, CDN $48.95 (softcover).
Bolhuis, Johan J. and Martin Everaert. 2013. Birdsong, speech and language: Exploring the evolution of mind and brain. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. US $52.00 (hardcover).
Bondaruk, Anna and Anna Malicka-Kleparska, eds. 2013. Ambiguity: Multifaceted structures in syntax, morphology and phonology. In the series Studies in linguistics and methodology (SLAM) 5. Lublin, Poland: Wydawnicto KUL. Pp. 345. CDN $17.00 (softcover). [End Page 241]
Cacoullos, Rena Torres, Nathalie Dion, and André Lapierre, eds. 2014. Linguistic variation: Confronting fact and theory. Routledge. Pp. ix +356. CAN $67.94 (softcover).
Campbell, Lyle. 2013. Historical linguistics: An introduction, 3rd ed. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. Pp. xvi + 538. US $50.00 (softcover).
Cant, J. Paul N. 2013. Science and linguistic theory. Manouba, Tunisia: University of La Manouba. Pp. 107.
Cecchetto, Carlo and Caterina Donati. 2015. (Re)labeling. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. Pp. xiii + 190. US $33.00 (softcover).
Chomsky, Noam. 2015. The Minimalist Program, 20th anniversary edition. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. Pp. xiii +393. US $30.00 (softcover).
Chomsky, Noam. 2015. Aspects of the Theory of Syntax, 50th anniversary edition. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. Pp. xx +270. US $28.00 (softcover).
Collins, Chris, Paul M. Postal, and Laurence R. Horn. 2014. Classical NEG raising: An essay on the syntax of negation. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. Pp. 296. US $ 35.00 (softcover).
Cook, Clare. 2014. The clause-typing system of Plains Cree. In the series Oxford studies of endangered languages. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Pp. xvi + 336. UK £70.00 (hardcover).
Den Dikken, Marcel, ed. 2013. The Cambridge handbook of generative syntax. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Pp. x + 1153, US $150.00 (hardcover).
Donaldson, Jeffery. 2015. Missing link: The evolution of metaphor and the metaphor of evolution. McGill–Queen’s University Press. Pp. xii +494. CAN $110. (softcover).
Ehrlich, Susan, Miriam Meyerhoff, and Janet Holmes, eds. 2014. The handbook of language, gender, and sexuality. John Wiley & Sons. Pp. xx + 664. CAN $172.00 (hardcover).
Embley Emonds, Joseph and Jan Terje Faarlund. 2014. English: The language of the Vikings. In the series Olomouc modern language monographs, vol. 3. Olomouc, Czech Republic: Department of English and American Studies, Palacky University (softcover).
Engels, Eva. 2012. Optimizing Adverb Positions. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John...

