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Fig. 2. Bulat M. Galeyevet al., Bright H e a d s of Bright People (SKB “&nnetheus Collective Se~-Portmit), wood, plastic and electronicdevices, 200 x 200 x 40 nun, 1993. dolls in a toy-shopand decapitated them, installing lampsockets and electric light bulbs of differing electrical capacity in place of their heads. We arranged the dolls in a composition r e p resenting certain situations in our working process. An electronic programming unit, installed in one of the tables, allows the lamp filaments to twinkle synchronously with music. When music is not being played, the lamp filament flickers lightly and the lightjumps from one head to another (symbolizingthe exchange of idle thoughts). But, as soon as music is switched on, the lamps light up in full force, illustrating that the heads of the people are full of light and music at that moment. The installation was actualized thanks to the help of students Rais Gatiatullin, Petr Artiemiev and Alexei Suleimanov. The sculpture was shown to a wide audience for the first time at the Tatar Avant Garde exhibition, held in 1993 in Kazan, Republic of Tatarstan, Russia. Reference 1. SKB “Prometheus”is a group founded in 1962 and is made up of artists, musicians and engineers. The group’s main objective is the development of an art medium in which kinetic art with electric light is correlated with the various qualities arid thematic aspects of music. See Bulat M. Galeyev, “Music-Kinetic Art Medium: 0 1 1 the Work of the Group ‘Promotei’ (SKB),Kazan, U.S.S.R,”Leonard0 9, No. 3, 177-182 (1976). ELECTFtOSTATIC PAINTING Jacques Donneux, 19 Chardeneux, 5377 Somme-Leuze, Belgium. Received 14July 1993.Acceptedfor publication by RogerF: Malina. The vocation of an artist often begins in the cradle. This was, in fact, my own case. When I was 15 months old, my mother was sure that I would become a sculptor the day she surprised me modeling my feces. She could have also deduced that I would become a baker of tarts from the fact that I was even ready to eat them. Happily for the dignity of the galleries , I quickly found other modes of expression . Thus, upon reaching the age of 2 years, I launched into a lyrical abstraction usingjam as an artistic medium . It was abundantly clear from that moment on that I was destined to become a painter. My dear late father would have confirmed this fact. Conformist Viewpoint My father’s profession was architecture, and he would well remember my artistic corrections to his wonderful drawings . When looking at them I often judged that the addition of a touch of watercolor would create a more pleasing effect. However,that good man remained unconvinced that art was a venerable profession for his son, and he wanted to give me one. Up until now I have had 21 professions, but he was never completely reassured. Now that he is gone I appreciate his conformist viewpoint. Instead of studying I attended many different schools, and I am still continuing today, now that I am 58 years old, to search at the University of Liege for all that I missed in my earlier years. This explains the ambiguity of my works. My critics, often with great insight , are able to see the poetic side (a little crazy perhaps) along with the classical structural influences that come from my father, which I have remembered well. Quickly Done-Well Done Please do not believe that we are straying from the subject: my technique with electrically static powders. I would never have discovered this technique without looking for it, or without considering my past. I would never have looked if I had not been technically dissatisfied with my work and driven to be a professional in the eyes of my father. I felt obliged to add to my fantasies the seriousness of a technological find. our received impressions? I am a double Sagittarius Chinese Dog; I believe injustice and in obtaining the best value in terms of quality and price. I soon became aware that our silly pile of cells has but a moment on our planet, and I have always endeavored to do things...

