In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

130 THE CANADIAN HISTORICAL REVIEW IV EDUCATIONAL HISTORY CROWLEY, RONALD W.TowardFreePostSecondary Education?Journal ofCanadian Studies/Revue d'dtudes canadiennes, VII, 3, Aug./aofit •973, 43-58 DAHLIE,JORGEN. LearningontheFrontier:Scandinavian ImmigrantsandEducation irf Western Canada. Canada and International Education/Education canadienneet internationale, I, 2, Dec. i972, 56-66 ELLIS, DORMER, MARY ARCHER et VRANC3OISE MONS. Les&oles ontariennesau service desfrancophones. Canada andInternational Education/Education canadienne etinternationale , I, 2, Dec. •972, 29-34 VARINE, AVIC, DOR. LaPolitique delalangue del'Enseignment duQu6bec. Canada and InternationalEducation/Education canadienne etinternationale, I, •, 1972, 42-50 CIDNEY, R.D.ElementaryEducationin Upper Canada:A Reassessment. Ontario Histor3,, LXV,3, Sept.•973, •69-83 HORRIERE, P.PETIT. LesEffectsredistributifs del'enseignment superieur:une premikreevaluation. L'Actualitddconomique, XXXlX,2,avril-juini973, 237-58 LACROIX, ROBERT etMICHEL PROULX. UneEvaluation partielledespertes oudesgains desprovinces resultant delamobilit6etdipl6m6s universites. L'ActualitdEconomique ,XXXlX,3,juil.-sept. •973,379-402 REID, TIMandJULYAN. Student Power andthe Canadian Campus. Toronto,PeterMartin, 1973.Pp.226.$2.95 WILSON, DAVID. Universityof CanadaNorth: Promisefor anAlternativeUniversity Structure. Canada and International Education/Education canadienneetinternationale, n, •,June/juin •973, 3-•4 Contributors T.J.A. LECOW isa memberof theDepartmentof Historyat York University. DESMOND MORTON teachesat Erindale College,Universityof Toronto, and is the authorofMinisters andGenerals (•97ø),TheLast WarDrum(•972),Mayor Howland: The Citizens' Carwlidate (•973), andTheCanadian General: General SirWilliamOtter(•974). J.L.GRANATSTEIN andR.D.Ct•VV arein theDepartmentof Historyat YorkUniversity. Theyarethejoint authors ofCanadian-American Wartime Relations: TheTies ThatBind, forthcoming in thefall of •974 from A.M. Hakkert Ltd. ...

