- Notes on Contributors
IVÁN CASTAÑEDA is Professor of Humanities, Religion, and Visual Culture at Northern Virginia Community College. His current research interests include posthuman aesthetics and design theory.
DAVID CECCHETTO is Associate Professor in the Department of Humanities at York University (Toronto). He has published widely, including the monograph Humanesis: Sound and Technological Posthumanism (2013) for the Posthumanities series of the University of Minnesota Press.
KATIE CHENOWETH is Assistant Professor in the Department of French and Italian at Princeton University. She has published articles on Montaigne, Derrida, and media history. Her current book project looks at the technological “rise” of the vernacular in Renaissance France.
JEFFREY R. DI LEO is Dean of Arts & Sciences and Professor of English and Philosophy at the University of Houston—Victoria. He is also Executive Director of SCE. His latest books include Corporate Humanities in Higher Education: Moving Beyond the Neoliberal Academy (2013) and Turning the Page: Book Culture in the Digital Age (2014).
BRAD EVANS is a senior lecturer in international relations at the School of Sociology, Politics & International Studies (SPAIS), University of Bristol, United Kingdom. He is the founder and director of the histories of violence project. Brad’s recent publications have included Disposable Futures: The Seduction of Violence in Age of Spectacle (with Henry Giroux, 2015), Resilient Life: The Art of Living Dangerously (with Julian Reid, 2014), and Liberal Terror (2013).
ELENA FABIETTI is a PhD candidate at the Humanities Center of Johns Hopkins University. Her research examines the figure of the transparent human throughout the literary and cultural history of modernity, looking at its epistemological implications and questions of corporeality. She has published several articles on Erich Auerbach, and a book on the poetry of Baudelaire and Rilke.
HENRY A. GIROUX currently holds the McMaster University Chair for Scholarship in the Public Interest in the English and Cultural Studies Department and is a Distinguished Visiting Professorship at Ryerson University. His most recent books are The Violence of Organized Forgetting (2014), Dangerous Thinking in the [End Page 540] Age of the New Authoritarianism (2015), and Disposable Futures: The Seduction of Violence in the Age of Spectacle (coauthored with Brad Evans, 2015).
DAVID HANCOCK wrote his PhD, on the relationship between the political philosophy of Leo Strauss and neoconservative cultural politics, at the London Graduate School, Kingston University. He has previously published articles in The Journal for Cultural Research and Glossator. His current research is on the moral economy of capitalism as well relationship between (neo) liberalism and the conservative tradition.
MINA KARAVANTA is Assistant Professor of Literary Theory and Postcolonial Studies in the Faculty of English Language and Literature of the National & Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece. She has published essays in mosaic, Modern Fiction Studies, boundary 2, Feminist Review, Journal of Contemporary Theory and other international journals and collections of essays and is one of the editors of Synthesis, An Anglophone Journal of Comparative Literary Studies.
COLLEEN M. KROPP is a PhD Candidate at Temple University in Philadelphia. She is working on her dissertation, Courting Equity; or, Moral Sentiments in the Law and British Fiction, which reexamines the development of the British novel through the lens of legal equity and moral judgment.
JAMES LINER is a Lecturer in the School of Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences at the University of Washington Tacoma, where he teaches literature and composition. His research examines the relation among aesthetics, politics, and collectivity in postmodern U.S. literature, and his current book project periodizes utopianism and postmodernism in the novels of Thomas Pynchon.
GERALD DAVID NAUGHTON is Associate Professor of American Literature at Gulf University for Science & Technology (GUST), Kuwait. He received his Ph.D. from University College Dublin, where he specialized in 19th- and 20th-century African American literature and culture. His other research interests include comparative American literature, post-war American fiction, and transnational literatures. His essays have appeared in such journals as African American Review, symplokē, ARIEL: A Review of International English Literature, and CEA Critic. He currently holds a research position at the University College Dublin Humanities Institute. [End Page 541]
YULIA PUSHKAREVSKAYA NAUGHTON is Associate Professor of English and Comparative Literature at Gulf University for Science and Technology (GUST...