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Reviewed by:
  • Very Little Cinderella by Teresa Heapy
  • Deborah Stevenson, Editor
Heapy, Teresa Very Little Cinderella; illus. by Sue Heap. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2015 32p
ISBN 978-0-544-28223-0 $16.99 R 3-5 yrs

In this take on the classic tale, Cinderella is a toddler with toddler inclinations: when the Ugly Sisters head out to a party and leave Very Little Cinderella with the Fairy Godmother babysitter, wee Cindy is having none of it: “I not stay here! I want to go toooo!” The Fairy Godmother obligingly escorts Very Little Cinderella to the ball, but at midnight a reluctantly departing Cinderella discovers that she has, tragically, lost her “lello boot.” Fortunately, the next day brings a Very Little Prince (“with his mommy”) to Cinderella’s door with the returned boot, and the two mix and match boots, have a playdate, and play “happily ever after.” This new entry in Heapy and Heap’s Very Little folktale series (Very Little Red Riding Hood, BCCB 10/14) demonstrates that toddler obstinacy is a surprisingly effective way of empowering a traditional heroine as well as an amusing addition to an old story. Young folktale aficionados will delight in noting the divergence from the tale they know, while adults will recognize the authenticity of the toddler response. Heap’s line and watercolor art has a festive sturdiness appropriate to the protagonist, and the airy backgrounds keep the proceedings orderly but still informal. This would be an excellent candidate for sibling sharing, with each kid enjoying at their own level, or as a precursor to a book-themed Very Little Ball.


