Education in the U.S. and the Netherlands: An Equity Comparison and a Few Big Questions
- Journal of Education Finance
- University of Illinois Press
- Volume 41, Number 2, Fall 2015
- pp. 145-163
- 10.1353/jef.2015.a602603
- Article
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Using an equity perspective, this article compares the education systems of the United States and the Netherlands. Existing data examining student demographics, the organizational structures, curricula, funding, and student outcomes are examined. The Netherlands appears to be getting a “bigger bang for their buck.” We make the case that since the 10th Amendment to the Constitution makes U.S. education a state function, 50 states can have significant variance in their instructional standards, funding, and outcomes. At the secondary level, these differences may partially explain U.S. students’ lagging achievement as measured by international tests. Fundamental questions about the U.S. education system are posed for a broader discussion.