In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Volume Contents

2014 NAPS Presidential Address
Compiling Narratives: The Visual Strategies of Early Christian Art
Robin Margaret Jensen  1

Voluntary Martyrdom and Gnosticism
Philip L. Tite  27

Ambrosiaster’s Second Thoughts about Eve
Marie-Pierre Bussières  55

Chrysostom’s Serpent: Animality and Gender in the Homilies on Genesis
Benjamin H. Dunning  71

Evergetism among the Bishops of Hispania between the Sixth and Seventh Centuries: A Dialogue between Archaeological and Documentary Sources
María de los Ángeles Utrero Agudo and Francisco José Moreno Martín  97

Irenaeus vs the Valentinians: Toward a Rethinking of Patristic
Exegetical Origins
Lewis Ayres  153

“The Health-Giving Cup”: Cyprian’s Ep. 63 and the Medicinal Power of Eucharistic Wine
John David Penniman  189

How Greek is Ephrem’s Syriac?: Ephrem’s Commentary on Genesis as a Case Study
Yifat Monnickendam  213 [End Page 647]

The Early Christian Reception of Genesis 18: From Theophany to Trinitarian Symbolism
Bogdan G. Bucur  245

Ascension of Christ or Ascension of Mary?: Reconsidering a Popular Early Iconography
Ally Kateusz  273

Bed, Bath, and Burial: NCE 156 Revisited
H. Gregory Snyder  305

“For Mark was Peter’s Tannaʾ”: Tradition and Transmission in Papias and the Early Rabbis
Azzan Yadin-Israel  337

Pudor et Dedecus: Rhetoric of Honor and Shame in Perpetua’s Passion Brian Sowers  363

Candida: An Ante-Nicene Martyr in Persia
Justin David Strong  389

Adversus Adversus Iudaeos?
Countering Christian Anti-Jewish Polemics in the Gospel of Nicodemus Philip Fackler  413

The Double Bind of Christianity’s Judaism: Language, Law, and the Incoherence of Late Antique Discourse
Todd S. Berzon  445

Clement of Alexandria’s Gnostic Exposition of the Decalogue
Robert G. T. Edwards  501

Spiritual Exegesis as an Ascetic Performance in Gregory of Nyssa
Olga Solovieva  529

Placuit apostolicae (Ep. 1) of Zosimus of Rome and the Ecclesiastical
Reorganization of Gaul
Geoffrey D. Dunn  559 [End Page 648]

Simeon and Other Women in Theodoret’s Religious History: Gender in the Representation of Late Ancient Christian Asceticism
Ellen Muehlberger  583

Fixing John Damascene’s Biography: Historical Notes on His Family Background
Sean W. Anthony  607

Book Reviews 133, 317, 481, 629

Books Received 149, 333, 497, 641 [End Page 649]


