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“Happinessis for pigs”,but that may have been because he could never agree with Bohr, who was caught in ‘tranquilizer philosophy’and refused to engage in free dialogue. Bohm developed a casual but detailed interpretation of the quantum theory, leading to a need for radicallynew notions of order, a need to put “new wine in old bottles”.This is discussed in the chapters ‘Whatis Order?”, T h e Generative Order and the Implicate Order”,“GenerativeOrder in Science,Society and Consciousness” and, finally, “Creativityin the Whole of Life”,which should be required reading for all artistsand scientists. References 1. David Bohm, Wholenessand theImplirole Order (London:Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1980). 2. Arthur Koestler, TheArt o f Creatton (London: Pan Books, 1970). 3. Richard Feynman, What Do You Care What OthcrPwple Think?(NewYork Norton, 1988). 4. William Bell, “MomentaryVisual Illusion Device ”,U.S. Patent 4,470,044. 5. Jock Abra, *Skinneron Creativity:A Critical Commentary”,Leonardo21. No. 4,407412 (1988). ARCHIMEDES’ REVENGE. THE JOYS AND PERILS OF MATHEMATICS Paul Hoffman. W. W. Norton and Company Ltd., London, 1989. 296 pp., illus.Trade, 332.95. ISBN: 0-393-02522-5. Reviewed byJohn W. Cooper, subeditor, Pergamon Press, Headington Hill Hall, Oxfmd OX3 OBW, U.K. From the legendaryArchimedes, who, it is said, in a fit of rage devised a fiendishly difficultnumerical problem about grazing cattle (which has only recently been solved by a supercomputer ),and further, into the fantastical realms of number theoryfrom the ‘basic’problem of how to construct a 31-ft-high Easter egg, to decoding the way to a $17 million hidden treasure-the author expertly guides the layreader on a tour of the highways and byways of mathematics. MAKING ART PAY Bernard Denvir and Howard Gray. Phaidon Press, Oxford, 1989. 128pp., illus. Paper, E7.95. ISBN: 0-71482519 -0. Reviewed byJohn W. Cooper, subeditm, Pergamon Press, Headington Hill Hall, Oxford OX3 OBW, U.K. A wealth of practical, ‘down-to-basics’ advice on all aspectsof earning money from art-money being the current link that binds art to the society in which it exists.There are chapters on exhibiting and selling, funding, legal aspects,tax problems, a list of related organizations and a useful bibliography. THE POETICS OF GARDENS CharlesW. Moore,WilliamJ. Mitchell and William Turnbull,Jr. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 1989. 288 pp., illus. Trade, $35.00.ISBN: 0-262-13231-1. Reviewed by Elimbeth Crumky, 2208 Derby Street, Berkeley, CA 94705, U.S.A. ThePoetics of Gardensis an exploration of architectural context and special qualitiesof great gardens across time and around the world. The book beginswith an examination of the qualities “that create the promise of a garden: the pattern of land and water, the established plants, the orientation to the sun, wind and stars, the local cycles of the days and seasons , along with the connections made by memory to vanished moments and distant places”. The authors discussin detail the artworks that are Ryoan-Ji (near Kyoto,Japan), Shalamar Bagh (Kashmir , India),Isola Bella (Lake Maggiore , Italy), Pura Kehen Temple (Bangli,Bali),Pandrethan Temple, (Srinagar, Kashmir, India),Blenheim (Oxfordshire, U.K.) and Yuan Ming Yuan (near Beijing, China).With regard to Blenheim, the book contains views/drawings of the site before and after Capability Brown’smagnificent restoration/reconstruction. More than 500 sketches,axonometric drawingsand photographs accompany the exquisite text. This is a book for poets, engineers, gardeners, architects, artists, scientists and all the rest of us. AnulytiwlAppwahes to Loel Lester.W. W. Norton, London, U.K. 1989.318 pp., illus.Trade,519.95.ISBN: 0-393-957624. Another Objectivity: Hzoi%graphy-Contempomry Art, Paris-Pmto 1989 Centroper I’arteContempomea, Prato, Italy, 1989.Exh. cat.,253 pp., illus. Paper, Lit 50.000.ISBN:887017-067-5. Twotlieth-CentutyMusic BOOKSRECEIVED Architectureand Its Image: Four Centurieso f Architecturn1Rqbresentution Eve Blau and Edward Kaufman,eds. MIT Press, Cambridge,MA, U.S.A.,1990.369 pp., illus.Trade,$75.00. ISBN: 0-92078510 -7. Art and Ayche Ellen Handler Spitz.Yale University Press, New Haven,CT, U.S.A.,1989. 171 pp. Paper, $11.95.ISBN:0-300-04620-0. Beauty and the Brain Ingo Rentschler,Barbara Herzbergerand David Epstein,eds. BirkhiuserVerlag, Basel,Switzerland, 1988.325 pp., illus. Trade,SFr 68.00.ISBN...

