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COLOR PLATE A No. 1. (topleft)Main Buscarlet, untitled, reinforcedconcretepoured into a rough wood mould, high-voltageblue neon, 200 x 200 cm.Thewood-grained panelsof concreteare supportedat an angle of 5’ to 6’ by ewall. The light actsboth as a linein the compositionand asmaterialon the wall, totallyenvelopingthe structurewith a halo of light from behind. NO. 2. (topright)YW YWI-FU,H i ~ t ~ y : Yesi%rday-Today-Tomorrow, hand-woven silk tapesixy, 6.5 x 8 ft, 1987.Thiswork expressesthe traditionsof Chinese art and technologyaswell asinnovationsand progressin the fieldsof electronics, human biologyand spaceaeronautics, both present and future. No. 3 .(above)NaomiAsakura, colorphotographof an appleon light blue, dark blue and shaded blue paper reflectedonto the insideof a cylindricalmirror. No.4. (right)Robert Mallq, stereoscopic sculpto-painting, 1988.The authorhas been caught by a flashunitwhile in the processof creatinga stereoscopic‘light event’in hisstudio.Initiallyinspiredby CjonMili’sfamousstrobephoto showing Picasso drawingin spacewith a penlight, the processi sbeing developedintoa stereoscopicform of sculpto-painting for computerprocessing and enhancement. No.1. (left)RomanVerostko, epigenetic painting , ink on rag paper, 2 x 3ft, 1988. The same process used in Fig. 5 (seeArtist’sArticle)was usedwithout the brush routine. AU pen strokes and solid areaswere automaticallyexecuted by the program without stopping. No.2. (above)Lisa Hartjen, untitled, gouacheonpaper, 7.5 x 7.5 in, 1986. Basicdesign andrandomnessproject (seeGeneralArticleby MichaelEckersley).This foundation-leveldesignproject involvedvariablesof shape, placement, color, transparencyand overlap ping of shapes. Each student fomulated rules for invokingparticular shapes and colors. Issuesof placement, transparencyand overlap pingwere randomly determined using a deck ofcards. No.3. (left)Ronald Brown and GaryBurgess,color photograph, 1976. This imageshowsthe visible light spectrum of helium gas excited in a high voltage electricdischargetube and photographedusing a diffractionfdter . ...

