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282 Bio-Bibliography of Jacob Bronowski I. CURRICULUM VITAE Dates 1908- 1974 Education Jesus College, Cambridge University, M.A. 1930, Ph.D. 1933, Honorary Fellow 1967 Positions Sr Lecturer, University College, Hull, England, 1934-42 Government Service (British), 1942-46 Joint Target Group, Washington, D.C. and Chiefs of Staff Mission to Japan, 1945 Ministry of Works (U.K. - statistical research into economics of building and other industries), Head of Projects, UNESCO, 1948 Carnegie Visiting Professor, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1953 Director of Coal Research Establishment, 1950-59, and Director-General of Process Development Foreign Honorary Member, American Academy of Arts and Sciences, 1960 Fellow Member, World Academy of Art and Science Senior Fellow (1964-74) and Director of the Council for Biology in Human Affairs (1970-74). Salk 1946-50 Department, 1959-64, National Coal Board (U.K.) Institute for Biological Sciences 11. PUBLICATIONS Books The Poet’s Defence (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1939); Rev. Ed. (Cleveland, OH: The Spain 1939: Form Poems (Andrew Marvel1 Press. 1939). The Common Sense of Science (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 195I). The Face o f Violence (London: Turnstile Press, 1954); Rev. Ed. (The World Publishing Company, 1967). ScicnceandHuman Values,Orig. Ed. 1958;published with TheAbacusand the Rose:A NewDialogue on Two World Systems (New York: Harper & Row, 1965). Selections from William Blake (New York: Penguin Books, 1958). The Western Intellectual Tradition (with Bruce Mazlish) (New York: Harper & Row, 1960). Insight (New York: Harper & Row, 1964). William Blake and The Age of Revolution, Rev. Ed. (New York: Harper & Row, 1965); originally TheIdentityofMan(NewYork: Doubleday, 1965);Rev. Ed. (New York: Natural History Press, 1972). Natureand Knowledge. ThePhilosophyof ContemporaryScience(Eugene,OR: University of Oregon The Ascent of Man (Boston, MA: Little, Brown 8 c Co., 1973). A Sense of the Future (Cambridge, MA: The M.I.T. Press, 1977). The Origins o f Knowledge and Imagination (New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1978). Magic, Science, and Civilization (New York: Columbia University Press, 1978). The VisionaryEye (Cambridge, MA: The M.I.T. Press, 1978). BiographyofanAtom,a science book for children (with Millicent Selsam)(New York: Harper & Row, World Publishing Company, 1966). William Blake: A Man Withouta Mask (London: Secker & Warburg, 1944). Books, 1969). 1965). Essays “Statistical Methods in Anthropology”, Nature 168, 794 (3 Nov. 1951). “The Logic of Experiment”, The Advancement of Science IX,289-296 (Dec. 1952). “Statistics of Discrimination in Anthropology”, American Journal ofphysicalAnthropology, ns. 10 “The Australopithecine Milk Canines”, Nature 172, 25 I (8 Aug. 1953). “Einstein is Seventy-five”, Discovery (Mar. 1954). “The Fulfilment of Man”, The Monthly Record 59 ( 5 ) (May 1954). “Architecture as a Science and Architecture as an Art”, R.I.B.A. Journal (Mar. 1955). “Science As Foresight”, in Whati s Science?,James Newman, ed. (New York: Simon &Schuster, 1955) “Responsibilities of Scientist and Public”, Atomic Scientisrs’Journal 5 ( I ) (Sep. 1955). (4)(Dec. 1952). pp. 381-436. LEONARDO, Vol. 18, NO.4, pp. 282-287,1985 Pergamon Press Ltd Printed in Great Britain 0024-094X185$300+000 “The Educated Man in 1984”, Science 123(27 Apr. 1956). “Dr. Arnold’s Ghost” and “A Syllabus for Schools”, JournaloftheInstitutionOfElectricalEngineers Review of Foundations of Inductive Logic by Roy Harrod (Harcourt, Brace & Co.), Scientific “Knowledge and Education”, Presidential Address, 17 Sep. 1957, Papers and Summaries of “Albert Einstein”, in Nobel Prize Winners,L.J. Ludovici, ed., (NY: Arco Publishers Ltd, 1957)pp. “The Creative Process”, ScientificAmerican 199(3) (Sep. 1958). “The Scandal of Philosophy”, TheBritish Journal for the PhilosophyofScience VIII (32) (1958). “The Values of Science”, RationalistAnnual (Mar. 1959). “Art and Science”, in TheCreativeMindandMethod, Jack D. Summerfield and Lorlyn Thatcher, eds. (Austin: University of Texas Press, 1960)pp. 99-104. “A Moral for an Age of Plenty”, TheSaturdayEvening Post (1960). “The Shape of Things”, Impulse 15,4th Quarter (1960). “Leonard0 da Vinci”, in The Horizon Book of the Renaissance, J.H. Plumb, ed. (New York: “Science is Human”, TheHumanist Frame (1961). “Introduction” to Darwinism and The Study ofSociety, Michael Banton, ed. (London: Tavistock “The Shape of the Future”, Royal Society ofHealth Journal82 (3) (May-Jun. 1962). “The Clock Paradox”, ScientificAmerican 208 (2) (Feb. 1963). “The Imaginative Mind in Art”, pp. 1-19, and “The Imaginative Mind in Science”, pp. 21-38 in Imagination and the University, 1963Invitation...

