In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

to write these refreshing memoirs. May his bongo drums continue to give us a message of hope through this baMing atomicage, an era he helped bring about through his work on the atomic bomb in Los Alamos. Perhapsthespirit ofhonesty and fun that saves such a man’s life from stuffiness and pride will also somehow carry us through intact into the next millenium. Books Received Art andEducation. Donald Brook. Experimental Art Foundation, 59 North Terrace, Hackney, South Australia, 1985. 55 pp. Paper. Art in Argentina. Jorge Glusberg. Giancarlo Politi Editore, 68 via C. Farini, 20159Milan, Italy, 1986. 142pp., illus. Paper. August Sander: Citizens of the Twentieth Century-Portrait Photographs 1892-1952. Gunther Sander, ed. M.I.T. Press, U.S.A., 1986.431 pp., illus. Trade, $55.00. ISBN: 0-262-19248-9. BeyondEngineering. Henry Petroski. St.Martin’s Press, New York, 1986.256pp. Trade, $17.95.ISBN: 0-312-07785-8. The De SzzjI Environment. Nancy J. Troy. M.I.T. Press, U.S.A., 1986. 254 pp. Paper, $17.50. The Female Body in Western Culture. Susan Rubin Suleiman, ed. Harvard University Press, Massachusetts, 1986. 389 pp. Paper, $9.95; Trade, $25.00. ISBN: 0-674-29870-5. New Essays on ?hePsychology of Art. Rudolf Arnheim. University of California Press, Berkeley, CA, 1986. Paper, $10.95. ISBN: 0-520-055543. Technology Changes. John Chris Jones. Princelet Editions, 25 Princelet Street, London, E16QH England, 1986. 397 pp. Paper, $12.72 (€8.71). ISBN: 0-86298-010-0. Ultime Tendenze Nell‘arte D’Oggi. Gillo Dorfles. Feltrinelli, Milan, 1985. 247 pp. Paper, Lire 17.000. ISBN: 88-07-80356-9. 11. Publications PERIODICALS Art Papers A bi-monthly journal, Art Papers covers contemporary visual and experimental art of the southeast U.S.A. An emphasis is on cultural currents that have an impact on art and art criticism regionally , nationally and internationally. Recent special issues have included (1) “The Crisisin Knowledge:Post-Structuralism , Postmodernism, Postmodernity”, (2) “ A n h e Black Aesthetic”, (3) “Art and the Sacred in the Postmodern Era”. An Art and Technology column is a regular feature of the publication. A oneyear subscription may be obtained from: Art Papers, Atlanta Art Papers, Inc., P.O. Box 77348, Atlanta, GA 30357 U.S.A. for $15.00 (individuals, U.S.A.), $28.00(individuals, Europe/Asia), $17.00 (institutions, U.S.A.), $30.00(institutions, Europe/Asia). ExploratoriumQuarterly A quarterly publication of the Exploratorium -Museum of Science, Exploratorium Quarterly seeks to communicate and examine the ideas of its science exhibitions. Each issue of Exploratorium Quarterly concentrates on analyzing a single topic from a variety of viewpoints . This focus allows the journal to investigateanddiscussinterconnections betweenapparently unrelatedphenomena. A one-year subscription may be obtained from: The Exploratorium, 3601 Lyon Street, San Francisco, CA 94123 U.S.A. for $10.00. IS Journal An interdisciplinary journal published three times a year by the International Synergy Institute, IS Journal is dedicated primarily to the encouragement and exploration of interaction between art and science. Through an exploration of dialoguebetween scientistsandartists, IS Journal encourages a merging of the abstract conceptual realms of scientific investigation with thedynamic expressive formsof artists. Future issueswill include diverse writings, graphics and photography . A cassette of sound art, lecture excerpts,computer musicor otherexpressions and research that demand aural representation will be included once a year. IS Journal seeks to be an open system where diverse and controversial ideas can interact to forma larger context of interdisciplinary community. A oneyear subscription may be obtainedfrom: International Synergy Institute, 8320 Melrose Avenue #103, Los Angeles, CA 90069U.S.A. for$35.00(individuaWinstitutions ,U.S.A.), $40.00 (individuaWinstitutions , Europe/Asia). Metier A quarterly publication, Metier is a magazine devoted to both visual and performance art. Metier is sponsored in part byaconsortiumof SanFrancisco/Bay Area arts organizations. With the Spring 1986 issue, devoted to “Folk, Primitive and Ethnic Art”, Metier inaugurates internationaldistribution through inclusion within Art Com Electronic Network (ACEN). Metier is the first of a projected 100 alternativeartspublications in the U.S.A., Europe, Asia and Canada that will be available through theACEN databaseby CurrentLiterature 351 ...

