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No. 1. Top left. Stephen s’Soreff, illustration for forthcoming issue of Avant GardeArt Review, offset print, 8%X 11in. Captionwill read“April 1993-Technicians checkprogressof genetically engineered monumental sculpture for Jefferson County Courthouse.” No. 2. Top right. D. Hoffman, W. Meeks 111, J.T. Hoffman; computer rendering of a completely embeddedminimal surface of finite topology, basedon the equationsof C. Costa, 1985. See Michele Emmer, “Soap Bubbles in Art and Science”. (Photo copyright 0 1985 Hoffman, Meeks, Hoffman. Reprinted by permission.) No. 3. Bottom left. Otto Piene’s BerlinStar(dacron sailcloth, 48ft diameter) reflectedinShawn Brixey and Laura Knott’s Photon Voice mirror, 1986. (Photo: David Atherton) See Elizabeth Goldring, “Desert SudDesert Moon”. No. 4. Bottom right. Decoration: Peter Lloyd Jones. Architect: The0 Crosby. General view of the facade of Ulster Terrace, showing the effect of the consistent use of architectural decoration. ...

