In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

Plate A No. 1. Top. CottfriedJlger. ColorReversal Procrss, light graphicwork XIV/1981,1-11 (DetailS7), type C. prints, each 40 X 3 0cm, 1981. No.2 :Bottom left. a w a r d Zkjec. Computergraphics, 1985. The three imagesshow first, second and third levels of upgrade as they appear on the display screen. No.3. Bottomright. BUI Bell. TripbAye, light-emittingdiodes,wood andaluminum,250X 20X 20cm, 1984 m eExploratorium, San Francisco). Plate B No. 1 .Top left. Imrich Bert6k. The Squush No.2, computer graphics -serigraph, yellow, brown, blue and red, 64 X 64cm, 1984. No.2.Top right. Alex Maller. Cusrlein rhe Seu by Oded Peperman, colored plastics, plexiglass, glass, steel rods, the sea, natural sunlight, 60 X 60 X 120cm, scale 1:lOO. No. 3. Bottom left. Andrew Stonyer et ul. Crown Court Squure, Leicester, Sculpture, anodized aluminium, 5 m high. No. 4. Bottom right. 'Iheo Coldberg. An image from the multimedia show Sheherezude, 35 mm slide, 1985. ...

