In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

Books 85 of which the pertinent institutions are listed. The following subject classifications illustrate not only their breadth but also the diversity of the domains included in the Catalogue: African Art, Agriculture, American Art, Archeology, Arms and Armor. There is a separate index of periodicals and, finally, a geographical index wherein the institutions are listed. The Catalogue is useful as a reference source and as an acquisition aid. It is of particular value as a research tool in art. BOOKS RECEIVED Architecture as Nature: The Transcendentalist Idea of Louis Sullivan. Narciso G. Menocal. Wisconsin Univ. Press, Madison, WI, 1981. 231 pp., illus., $21.90. ISBN: 0-299-08150-8. The Architecture ofMario Botta: Between History and Memory: The Past as a Friend Jorge Glusberg. CAYC, Buenos Aires, 1981. 38 pp., illus. Paper. Art and Camouflage: Concealment and Deception in Nature, Art and War. Roy R. Behrens. Univ. Northern Iowa, Cedar Falls, lA, 1981. 89 pp., illus. Paper, $10.95. ISBN: 0-915996-07-3. Art Diary 1981: The World's Art Directory. Giancarlo Politi, Milano, 1980-. 395 pp. Paper. Art and Indian Children. David Young et al. Haskell Institute, Lawrence, KS, 1970. 32 pp., illus. Paper. Art and Philosophy: Conceptual Issues in Aesthetics. Joseph Margolis, Humanities, Atlantic Highlands, NJ, 1980.350 pp. ISBN: 0-391-00645-2. Art and the Question of Meaning. Hans Kung. SCM Press, London, 1981. 71 pp. Paper, £2.95. Art and the Schools. Jerome J. Hausman, ed. McGraw-Hill, Hamburg, 1980. 332 pp., illus. DM 50.90. ISBN: 0-07-027225-5. Clement Greenberg. Art Critic. Donald B. Kuspit. Wisconsin Univ. Press, London, 1979. 215 pp. £9.00. ISBN: 0-299-07900-7. Cognitive Psychology and Its Implications. John R. Anderson. W. H. Freeman, Oxford, England, 1980. 503 pp., ilIus. £8.10. ISBN: 0-7167-1197-4. Colors from the Earth: The Artist's Guide to Collecting. Preparing. and Using Them. Ann Wall Thomas. Van Nostrand Reinhold, Wok ingham, England, 1980.96 pp., illus. £10.45. ISBN: 0-442-25786-4. The Complete Thinker: A Handbook of Techniques for Creative and Critical Problem Solving. Barry F. Anderson. Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1980. 278 pp., illus. Paper, $6.45. ISBN: 0-13-164582-X. Cool Museums and Hot Museums: Towards a Museological Criticism. Jorge Glusberg. CA YC, Buenos Aires, 1980. 78 pp., illus. Paper. Cosmos. Carl Sagan. Random House, New York, 1980.365 pp., illus. $19.95. ISBN: 0-394-50294-9. Cosmos and Creator. Stanley L. Jaki. Scottish Academic Press, Edinburgh, 1980. 168 pp. Paper, £6.75. ISBN: 0-7073-0290-0. La Costruzione delle Immagini. In series Dimensioni: Studi sulle Interazioni tra Arte, Scienza e Tecnologia. Corrado Maltese. Quasar, Rorna, 1981. III pp., illus. Paper. ISBN: 88-85020-23-2. Cultural Co-operation: Studies and Experiences. Cultural Needs and Aspirations: A Cross National Study. Unesco, Paris. 159 pp. Paper. Desire in Language: A Semiotic Approach to Literature and Art. Julia Kristeva. Leon S. Roudiez, ed., trans. from French by Thomas Gora et al. Basil Blackwell, Oxford, England, 1981. 305 pp., illus. £8.95. ISBN: 0-631-12527-2. Dictionary of Contemporary Artists. V. Babington Smith, ed. Clio Press, Oxford, England, 1981. 451 pp.£20.00. ISBN: 0-903450-46-1. Drawing. Daniel M. Mendelowitz. Stanford Univ. Press, Stanford, CA. First publ. 1967, reissued 1980. 464 pp., illus. $29.50. ISBN: 0-8047-1089-9. Drawing: A Contemporary Approach. Claudia Betti and Teel Sale. Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Eastbourne, England, 1980. 276 pp., illus. Paper, £7.50. ISBN: 0-03-045976-1. Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain: A Course in Enhancing Creativity and Artistic Confidence. Betty Edwards. G. P. Tarcher, Los Angeles, 1979.207 pp., illus. Paper, $8.95. ISBN: 0-87477-087-4. The Evolution of Culture in Animals. John Tyler Bonner. Princeton Univ. Press, Princeton, 1980.216 pp., ilIus. $14.50 in U.S.A. ISBN: 0-691-08250-2. Five Allitudes/1963-1980. Exh. Cat. Claude Gosselin. Musee d'Art Contemporain, Montreal, 1981. 132 pp., illus. Paper. From Being to Becoming: Time and Complexity in the Physical Sciences. Ilya Prigogine. W. H. Freeman, Oxford, England, 1980. 272 pp., illus. Paper, £6.40. Cloth, £13.50. ISBN(pbk): 0...

