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84 Books education ought to be; a pragmatic analysis of teacher training; and an analysis of fiscal support, administration and evaluation of art programs, The last working paper presents a somewhat radical departure from the more or less situational character of the other working papers, In the commission's view, thinking of a more futuristic kind is needed if art education is to meet the challenge of the 21st century, The third section (an Appendix) is a collection of model curricula for art teaching in the sixth primary level grade by nine art educator/authors. The Report is a serious one on art education-its shortcomings and its potential in the future of education. 1write this review three years after the puhlication of the Report and, from my point of view, very little has changed since then, With available funds diminishing in the U,S,A" few newly trained visual art teachers are being hired and, with the growing stress on 'basics', little or no training in more complex aspects of visual art is made available for classroom teachers. I believe this is a very important Report, not only for art education but for education in general. 1 hope it will be read widely, I was surprised to learn that in two tertiary level departments of teacher education in the area of California where I live there was an unawareness of the Report's existence! Study Abroad-Etudes a l'Etranger-s-Estudios en el extranjero. Vol. 22 (1979-RO, 1980-81), Unesco, Paris, 1978. 7l6pp, Paper, This directory is written entry-by-entry in English, French and Spanish, It is divided into two main parts, one listing scholarships and the other listing courses, The scholarships and courses listed arc offered by international organizations (the United Nations System, intergovernmental programmes and international non-governmental organizations) and by national organizations and institutions in many countries. The purpose of the directory 'is to call attention only to those offers of financial aid and study programmes which are open to a wide range of international applicants'. In each case 'essential details are listed: its nature and content, subject field and level. location, cost, the number, value and duration of awards and other benefits available, conditions of eligibility and closing dates and addresses for applications, In the case of many national scholarship entries in the directory, a briefintroductorv note is carried 'giving details of academic. language, financi;1 and other requirements and information facilities of interest to prospective applicants,' Within each scholarship section in the directory, offers are grouped in seven main categories: General, Education, Science and Technology, Social and Human Sciences, Arts, Librarianship and Documentation, and Communication. The category entitled General includes all offers for which 'the subject fields are unrestricted, unspecified or various', The category Arts includes fine arts, crafts, architecture and town planning, industrial design, music, theatre, literature and dance, At the end of the book there is an index: (I) of international organizations, (2) of national institutions and (3) to subjects of studies, The mail addresses of the organizations and institutions can be found in the listed individual entries, The Illustrated Dictionary of Electronies. Rufus P, Turner. Tab Books. Blue Ridge Summit, Penn" 1980, 857 pp. illus. $19.95, This is a handy volume giving the meaning of about 20,000 terms, abbreviations, acronyms, and letter symbols employed in electronics, Relevant terms from methematics (with equations), physics, chemistry (with formulas), astronomy, even classical visual art ('divine proportion' and 'golden rectangle') are included, The following listing of consecutive related terms gives an idea of the comprehensiveness of the Dictionary: silica pencil. silicon, silicon capacitor, silicon carbide, silicon cell, silicon controlled rectifier (SCR), silicon controlled switch (SCS), silicon crystal detector, silicon detector, silicon diode, silicon dioxide, silicone, silicon junction diode A, silicon-on-sapphire (SOS), silicon photocell, silicon point contact, silicon pointcontact diode, silicon rectifier, silicon resistor, silicon solar cell, silicon transistor. Among the many illustrations are drawings of electronic devices, circuit diagrams and graphs, At the end of the book are tables of resistor color codes, electronic symbols, wire gauge (A WG), temperature conversions, British-metric conversions, electronic abbreviations, math symbols, math data, etc, American Art Directory (1980), 48th Edn. Linda...

