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Lcoriiirikr. Vol. 10. pp. 13X- 149. Pergamon Press 1977. Printed i n Great Britain TERMINOLOGY The terms defined below were selected from artists' Articles and Notes published in the previous issue of Lroricirrlo. Each definition is followed by an indication of the volume and page number of Lronurtlo on which the term first appears. The terms were not found in the art dictionaries among the dictionaries listed in Leoriurtkr 10. 63 (1977)or they are used in a new sense. Some are terms that have been carried over into the field of art from the natural and social sciences. from mathemztics and from technology. Numbers in brackets. e.g. [ 11. 171. refer to the dictionaries mentioned above. The definitions are not presumed to be unassailable. The Editors would. therefore, welcome the comments of readers on the definitions presented. 792. Ammonia plasticibation process / iri ./urrir/urc nruriu/iic~/irrc~i -A process for making wood soft (plasticized) temporarily so that it can be bent. twisted or torn into shapes that it will retain permanently. The wood is softened within a closed steel chamber by exposing it to ammonia vapor under pressure and at room temperature. After a specific time of exposure. the wood is removed and it remains soft for periods up to one hour. (10, 54) 793. Artist in residence --Term applied in the U.S.A. to a professional studio artist who is invited by an educational institution to work on a temporary basis under the observation of students as part of their art studies. (10. 46) 794. Asymmetric graph f i r i rJrur/ri,r~i[r/i[,,~i A graph without symmetry. in that it has no other automorphisin than the identity automorphisin. The identity automorphism group of order I is the group for which points can be perinutcd only onto themselves. (10. I I ) (cf. Air/[,rii~,r/~/ri.srii groirp. terin 796). 795. Audio-frequency-selecting solenoid shutter --An clectronic devicedesigned and made forJ. S.Ostoja-Kotkowski that. when activated by specified bands of sound frequencies. interrupts laser beams in the act of producing moving images on the wall of an audio-kinetic sculpture. (10, 52) (cf. Audio frc,yiierrc:\.. Terminology. LiwriurtJO 5, 261 ( 1972): I t w r . Terminology. L.contrrc/o 3.469 ( 1970)and .so/cwoit/.Terminology. Lc~rrltrrclf) 10, 63 ( 1977)) 796. Automorphism group / iri nicrrlirrncrric..~ i The group of permutations on the set of vertices in a graph that preserves the adjacency relation. (10, I I ) 797. Brahman i iri /Irc, Hirrrhr raligiorri ~ The belief in a fundamental unity behind the illusory diversity of phenomena in the universe. (10. 13) 798. Ceramic shell mold iiri riirtcrl cnsririgi~-A kind of negative mold used for casting metals. The mold is formed by dipping a pattern (generally of wax) into a suspension of fused silica particles in an aqueous solution of sodium silicate. After five or six dippings. when the resulting dried coating is of sufficient thickness to serve iis a mold. the pattern is melted out. This type of mold is superior to those made from more common compositions (clay-sand mixtures. plaster of Paris. etc.) for casting small objects with fine detail. (10. 34) (cf. Partern. term 810; p/cr.sric.rih rrirrhocl. term 812: sliock-hiwring tidrtiiyirr. term 815. and IW\ htic,k riic~rliocl.term 819) Combinatories f irr r,itrr/ic,rJitiric,.si the mathematics of the arrangement. operation and selection of elements within linite collections (sets) and configurations. (10, 12: [ 171) (cf. C'onrhiritr/oriu/.Terminology. Lronurdo 4, 389 ( I97 I ) ) 800. Duralumin f iri rcdirio/o.q>.i Trade name for a light, strong alloy of aluminuni and copper with the addition of magnesium and manganese. (10, 42: [3]) 801. Ethylene dichloride (111 diwii.srrj.i A liquid organic chemical that is used principally :IS ii solvent. Since it is volatile and can dissolve polymethyl methacrylate (Plexiglas. Perspex), it can be used to bond pieces of this material together. (10, 32) (cf. Po/jwic,r/ij./ rrri,r/i[ri,r~,/iir[,, Terminology. Lcwicirclo 4, I78 (1971)) 802. Fungicide iiri hio/o,qj./ -A substance capable of destroying harmful fungi. such iis molds and...

